Chapter 37

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Hoshi waited anxiously for the door to unlock. It was an indescribable feeling, one he hadn't had since... since as long as he could remember. Even the prospect of performing at Nissan Stadium was nearly incomparable to this.

How long had it been since he came home? 1 hour? 2? He didn't keep track. But he was rehearsing in his head: what he would say to her, how to diffuse the situation. So he wouldn't lose her. Not again.

He drummed on the table with his fingers, eager to do at least something to distract himself. Social media was a no-go; the videos of them had managed to snake their way even into his personal account, nevermind his public one. So he put down his phone and attempted to interest himself in quite literally anything. Who knew that their living room cornices were so elaborate? He certainly didn't, not until now.

Another 5 minutes. Radio silence. He was just about to throw in the towel and head to bed when he heard the door open, cautiously, as if it itself was unsure of whether to let anyone in. He watched as a head peeped through the crack, and then the rest of Jang-mi followed. They just stood facing each other, Hoshi having gotten up from the couch and her in the entranceway. They exchanged awkward smiles.

He traced as she took off her shoes and slung down her bag - then he finally came to his senses and darted for the kitchen. He took out a bento cake from the fridge, walking out to meet her halfway through her going to their bedroom.

"I- uhm. Hi," he said nervously, extending out the cake.

She smiled at him, lukewarm. "Hey."

Jang-mi eyed the cake. "From your favorite blanket thief, I love you always," she read out loud.

"I didn't get you a big one because Chan told me they already fed you one in the morning, but if you want to I can run down and get one that's totally okay if you want me-"

"Soonie," she placed a hand on his shoulder firmly. "It's okay. Trust me."

He relaxed a bit under the touch and gestured for her to follow him into the kitchen. There, on the kitchen island, was a bottle of Moët and two champagne flutes, decorated excessively with a few rose petals strewn about and a sandalwood candle gently perfuming the whole space. She looked at the setup then at him.

"It is your birthday, after all..." he trailed off, placing the cake down.

He watched her stone-like reaction to everything, beginning to grow a little worried. Was this the wrong call?

Suddenly, she launched at him, hugging him as tightly as she could. It was all silence. Hoshi didn't quite know how to feel, but he accepted the embrace and let her hold on for as long as she wanted. 2 whole minutes, at least. Then came the sniffling.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. Everything is alright," he assured her, gazing straight into her puffy eyes.

"I'm so sorry. About yesterday. I freaked, and it's- it's just- I don't want to think about being so far away from you for so long. I yelled and swore at you, yet you still did all of this for me-"

"Listen, it's okay. I know why you reacted like that, and it was valid. I'm not angry."

She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose audibly. "I'm- I'm still a bit mad. But running away from you when we barely have a month left together is even more stupid."

He nodded as she spoke. "Well, it won't be too long, will it? Two years will fly by and I'll come back. Whatever happens, it'll always be the two of us."

"Yeah," she replied weakly, wanting to believe it. Needing to believe it.

He sat her down, pouring her a bit of champagne. "Come to think of it, we've never really gone on a proper date outside, have we?"

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