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Chapter 31 Post Office Chapter 31 Post Office
After Qiu Ye came out of the Central Store, she decided to go to the post office first. She couldn't carry the things she bought now, so it would be better for her mother to come and put the things she bought directly on her mother's cart and let her mother help take them back.

Qiu Ye pulled his brother, who was still looking around and stretching his neck to look everywhere, through the market and came to the door of the post office.

Qiu Feng was used to his sister making decisions, but when he saw his sister wanted to go to the post office, he asked, "Sister, why are you going to the post office? Can you write a letter?"

Qiu Feng thought his sister was really strange, she couldn't read or write, so she definitely couldn't write a letter. So she wanted to go to the post office now, so she definitely didn't know what this place was for. He quickly reminded her that he and his father had been here before, and his father said that he wanted to mail money to his grandmother in his hometown. He felt that this place was really boring, with high counters and iron railings.

Qiu Ye didn't want to write a letter. Even if she could write, there was no one to send it to. The people she knew were all around her and she could see them every day. Why should she go to the trouble of writing a letter? It would be like taking off pants to fart, a waste of time.

She came here just to see if there were any monkey stamps for sale. Although the novel said that the monkey stamps were a wrong edition and only a few were printed, and people seldom wrote letters nowadays, so monkey stamps were hard to sell in this era, and in the end they were sold as a task to people within the postal system to buy them, but in a new small city like Youcheng, it was hard to say whether there were any for sale.

Even if they are for sale, the monkey stamps have been issued for several years, and it is not certain that this post office has them. So Qiu Ye just came to take a look to find a balance in her heart. If there are any, then pick them up and try your best to get them all. If not, then there is nothing you can do, because you are not destined to make this fortune. This seems to be what all the reborn heroines must do, and Qiu Ye is no exception, because she is a vulgar person who only cares about money.

Now looking at her brother holding her, she couldn't tell him that those monkey stamps would be worth tens of thousands of yuan each in 20 years. Even if she said it, her brother wouldn't believe it. In this day and age, there are still very few people with a net worth of tens of thousands of yuan.

"I'm not here to write a letter. I have something to do. Just follow me." Qiu Ye took his brother's hand and walked into the post office.

Seeing a lazy middle-aged man sitting behind the tall counter, Qiu Ye asked politely, "Hello, uncle, do you have any monkey stamps for sale?"

After Qiu Ye asked the question, she saw that the middle-aged man looked confused, and she started to wonder in her heart, is it that there is no such thing here, or is it that the monkey stamp is not called the monkey stamp at that time?
She continued to explain: "It's a red background with a golden monkey in it. Don't you have any here?"

"Oh, little friend, the one you are talking about is the Gengshen Monkey, right? I have a few more here. Take a look and see if it is what you want." The middle-aged man immediately became energetic after hearing Qiu Ye's description. He quickly opened a cabinet and took out several large stamps.

The middle-aged man is called Li Yanqing. He is an ordinary staff member of the post office. A few years ago, the post office published the monkey stamp that the little girl mentioned, but it did not sell well. Finally, there was no choice but the leader assigned tasks to everyone. They must sell it. If they cannot sell it, they have to buy it with their own money. This monkey stamp has been thrown in his cabinet for several years. Although I heard that the price of this monkey stamp has increased in big cities, no one has come to buy it here.

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