Chapter 1.

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7am. You would have thought everyone would be peacefully getting ready for the day, but in Lucy and Angela's house? That was never the case.
Lucy wanted to spend the day with her friends but Angela wouldn't allow it as she knew her friends were a very bad influence.

The tension between the two escalated quickly, turning their once calm living room into a battle ground. Their voices rose above each others - angry insults and bitter accusations being thrown each of there way.
"You never trust me!" Lucy shouted, her face red with anger. "I'm old enough to make my own decisions!" she argued.
Despite the shouting, Angela remained steadfast, her jaw clenched tightly. "Your safety comes first, luce!" she countered fiercely. "Those friends of yours are leading you astray! I refuse to let it happen any longer, I mean when was the last time you ate something?!" she spoke sternly.
Lucy couldn't contain her anger anymore, her fist going flying towards the wall- but Angela stopped her just on time, holding her firmly. For a moment the two stood there, breathing heavily, the air thick with unspoken resentment. They were bound together by blood and history but pulled apart by their differing views on life and responsibility.

After minutes of silence Angela spoke, "go get ready, i don't trust that you're not going to hang out with them today. You're coming to work with me, young lady." she stated firmly, with no room for negotiation.

Angela watched nervously as Lucy stormed into her room, wondering how many times she was going to have to repeat herself before the message finally sank in. Ever since Lucy had started high school, things had changed. She was desperate to fit in and became very secretive. Angela also knew that teenage crime rates were increasing - that was enough to keep her awake at night. Angela was determined to keep an eye on her little sister who was very much still a child and irresponsible.

The sun beat down mercilessly upon them, making the already tense atmosphere seem even more oppressive. As they approached the station, Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her. This place represented authority figures, rules and restrictions - three things she had grown increasingly frustrated with lately.

Meanwhile Angela strode confidently towards the entrance, her posture radiating determination. Once inside Lucy felt herself clinging to Angela's side. Her social anxiety was the worst and she struggled to cope with it in her day to day life.

As Tim and Angela entered the station they noticed Angela - their best friend and her sister who was clinging to her side. They had known Lucy since she was 6 and she's always struggled with social settings.

A wave of sympathy washed over tim as he recognized the familiar signs of social anxiety. He knew better than to force conversation upon Lucy when she was in such an anxious state, so he simply gave Lucy a smile and turned his attention to angela. Nyla hugged Angela, Tim standing to the side of them.

As the conversation between Tim and Nyla continued, Lucy's anxiety levels began to rise. Her heart raced, her palms grew sweaty and she felt lightheaded, her grip tightening on angela.

Every noise around her felt amplified. She wished she could run and hide but she knew that wasn't an option. Her chest heaved as she fought against the tidal wave of panic threatening to consume her.

Noticing her discomfort, Angela excused herself from the group, taking Lucy's hand gently in hers. "Come on baby." she said quietly. "Lets go to my office hm?" she spoke softly, Lucy mutely nodding in return. Once they reached the office Angela closed the door and guided Lucy to the couch, kneeling beside her she placed a comforting hand on Lucy's knee. "It's okay lu, have you taken your medication today?" Lucy was hesitant- knowing Angela wouldn't be too happy with her, and shook her head. Angela sighed. "How long has it been since you took your medication lu?" she asked sternly. Lucy was still mute- holding up ten fingers. Angela sighed as she realised Lucy meant ten days and went to her desk drawer and grabbed the spare medication she kept here and watched as Lucy took it.

Sprawled on the sofa Lucy spent the rest of the morning scrolling on her phone - frowning when she saw her friend-group had posted a group photo and she wasn't there with them. Every so often Angela would look up from the case she was working on checking on her sister.
Finally, lunch time came around. By this point, Lucy's medication had kicked in and taken effect, leaving Lucy noticeably calmer. Angela led her little sister to the lunch table where she sat daily- with Tim and Nyla.

Angela expertly balanced two trays loaded with food as she made her way to the table, setting them down in front of herself and lucy. They all dug into their respective meals, laughing and talking away. Angela was telling them both about a difficult case she was working on- however, halfway through the narrative she noticed Lucy hadn't touched her food. Setting down her fork she turned her full attention to her younger sister.

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