Chapter 8.

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Following the ensure, Lucy and Emily were ordered to remain seated in the communal dining area for the next hour. The sound of reteching echoed off the walls, mingling with the bitter taste of defeat lingering on their tongues. The dining hall was empty as everyone else had eaten and waited their hour - as they hadn't refused unlike them. They sat side by side, shoulders touching slightly, finding solace in each other's silent company.

Outside, the night sky loomed ominously overhead, casting long shadows across the bleak landscape. Raindrops pattered against the window panes, adding to the overall sense of despair permeating the atmosphere. Time dragged, each passing minute feeling like an eternity trapped within this living hell. Eventually, mercifully, the hour passed, signalling the end of their purgatory. Weary beyond measure, Lucy and Emily trudged back to their rooms, hoping against hope that tomorrow might bring improvement in their dire circumstances.

As Lucy opened her eyes, the bright fluorescent lights above her head sent a sharp pain through her skull. Groaning softly she forced herself to sit up. Suddenly the door to her room swung open. There stood a nurse with a gentle smile. "Goodmorning sweetheart." nurse Sarah spoke. "It's time for breakfast then we will be weighing you lovely." Lucy nodded mutely, drinking the ensure painfully- unable to meet the nurse's gaze. She knew what was coming next, the scale, the numbers, the shame, the judgement.

Lucy took a deep breath as she stepped onto the cold metal scale, her heart hammering against her ribcage as she was forced to face away from the scale. Slowly, nurse Sarah began recording her weight, her expression remaining neutral throughout the entire process. With a reassuring pat on the shoulder, nurse Sarah guided Lucy towards the therapist's office.

In Lucy's first therapy session with Dr.London, things went horribly wrong. From the moment she walked into the room, Lucy was mute. No matter how hard she tried, Lucy couldn't seem to find the words to express her thoughts and feelings. By the end of the hour neither of them had made much progress. As they parted ways Lucy wondered if this was really worth it- if maybe she should just give up and accept her fate as an outcast in society due to her eating disorder.

After the therapy session, Lucy trudged back to her room feeling defeated and alone. Hours passed as she lay awake in the darkness, staring blankly at the ceiling. Just when she thought nothing could possibly cheer her up there was a soft knock at her door. Peering through the crack, she saw emily. Emily whispered urgently, asking if Lucy wanted to sneak up to the rooftop garden for some fresh air under the stars. Despite her initial hesitation, Lucy couldn't resist the temptation of breaking rules side-by-side with her newfound friend. Soon enough, they were tiptoeing quietly along the dimly lit corridors, heart racing with excitement and anticipation.

Up on the rooftop, the cool night breeze rushed against their faces as they laid side by side, looking up at the vast expense of stars twinkling above them. Emily laughed softly as she pointed out the shapes the stars made. Gradually their conversations turned deeper, touching upon dreams and aspirations once considered impossible amidst the chaos of their illnesses, it was almost as if they were kindred spirits, bound together by their shared struggle and unwavering resilience. As they chatted away, lost in each other's company, they suddenly noticed the time- midnight.

Emily's eyes sparkled with delight as she revealed her secret to lucy. "It's my birthday.." she whispered. Lucy looked shocked. "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" she laughed- a sudden burst of joy radiating from her. As if on cue, Emily produced a small box wrapped in shimmering silver foil from behind her back. Inside was decadent chocolate cake, complete with delicate frosting roses and golden letters. They set it down and using the lighter Emily had stolen earlier Lucy lit the single candle perched on top of the cake- sending tiny flickers of light dancing around them. Lucy softly started to sing happy birthday beneath the starlit sky.

In that magical moment, it was easy to forget about the battles they faced within themselves and focus solely on the beauty unfolding before them.

As the last wisps of smoke disappeared into the night air, Emily closed her eyes tightly and wished for something she knew might never come true - that she would get better soon. There was a sadness in her expression, etched deep into the lines of her young face. But even amidst the pain and uncertainty, there was also an undeniable strength shining through. Lucy reached out tentatively, placing a hand on Emily's shoulder as she watched her friend blow out the candles. For a brief moment they sat in silence, connected by invisible threads of silence and understanding.

Surrounded by the warmth of their friendship and the coolness of the night air, Lucy and Emily allowed themselves a rare indulgence. They pushed aside their insecurities and fears, choosing instead to to revel in the simple pleasure of a forbidden treat. The sweetness of chocolate cake melted onto their tongues, filling their senses with rich, decadent flavours, each bite brought with it a rush of endorphins, temporarily drowning out the nagging voices that told them they weren't allowed to eat. They giggled together, their faces smothered in icing and crumbs. It was a fleeting moment of pure bliss, one they knew they'd later regret as they knew this moment wouldn't last forever- but cherished nonetheless.

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