Chapter 10.

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Excitement coursed through Lucy's veins as she raced down the corridor determined to share the news of her reconciliation with angela. But as she reached Emily's room, her steps faltered. The space was eerily quiet, devoid of its usual occupant. Lucy stepped into the room, she froze in shock. Emily's belongings were packed away, every item put away with such delicacy. Not a speech of dust marred the surfaces- it was pristine. Shivers ran down Lucy's spine; something wasn't adding up. Where was emily..?

A soft knock on the door interrupted Lucy's thoughts. Startled, she turned to see nurse Sarah standing in the doorway, concern etched across her features. "Lucy, sweetheart, I'm so sorry.." she began stepping cautiously into the room. "Honey.. Emily, she passed away early hours this morning due to a heart attack, her lack of eating put a huge strain on her heart.." lucy's entire world crashed around her as these words sank in. emily, full of life and vitality, gone forever. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the image of the nurse standing before her, Lucy shook with grief and disbelief as she screamed, it echoing down the hallways. Hot tears poured relentlessly from her eyes, streaking her cheeks. "No! This isn't fair, she isn't dead!" she choked out between ragged breaths.

Lucy crumpled to the floor, her body racked with violent tremors. Each breath came out in short, sharp gasps as if she was drowning in a sea of sorrow. Her mind reeled in disbelief, refusing to accept the reality before her. She curled up into a tight ball, wrapping her arms protectively around herself as if trying to hold onto what remained of her shattered world. In that moment she felt utterly broken and abandoned, consumed by a darkness that threatened to swallow her whole.

As Lucy lay motionless on the cold hard ground, her mind drifted aimlessly amidst the chaos surrounding her. Time seemed to stand still as she watched the world move around her in slow motion. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead cast an eerie glow over the room, amplifying the haunting silence that hung heavy in the air. Gradually, she became aware of gentle hands guiding ehr towards her room. Blinking groggily she tried to focus on the faces swimming before her eyes, but they all blurred together. Numbness spread throughout her body,  rendering her unable to move and detached from the events unfolding around her.

For days on end, Lucy lay still in her bed, the weight of the world on her fragile shoulders. Food sat untouched beside her, ensure drinks spilled on the floor due to constant fights and refusal. Her once vibrant spirit had been extinguished, replaced by a profound sense of loss and despair. The sounds of the footsteps outside her door faded into oblivion as she retreated deeper into her thoughts, seeking solace in the darkest corners of her mind. The only thing that brought her fleeting moments of relief was the memory of Emily's contagious laughter ringing in her ears, a reminder of happier times now forever out of reach.

The nurses grew increasingly concerned as Lucy refused to get out of bed or even acknowledge their presence. They checked on her frequently, finding her food untouched and her body still and lifeless. After several days without food, they knew they needed to intervene. With great care, they gently restrained her frail form, strapping her arms and legs down for her safety. Despite her protests, they inserted a feeding tube through her nose directly into her stomach, ensuring she would receive the nutrients her body so desperately needed. It broke their hearts to see someone so young and full of life reduced to this state, but they remained steadfast in their commitment to helping her recover.

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