Chapter 12.

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Lucy sat alone at her and emily's table in the dining hall of the treatment center, her heart racing as she stared down at the plate of food in front of her. Tears streamed down her face as she thought about Emily. Emily's memory haunted Lucy, serving as a constant reminder of what could happen if she didn't get better, she also needed to stick to her promise.  Despite feeling nauseous and terrified, Lucy forced herself to pick up her fork and bring it towards her mouth. She closed her eyes tightly, willing herself to take just one bite. And then another. And another. Each swallow felt like a battle against her own demons, but Lucy knew that she had to fight for herself—and for Emily.

Every day, Lucy dragged herself out of bed and made her way to Dr. London's office for their daily therapy session. Sitting across from her , she felt exposed and vulnerable as she probed deeply into the roots of her eating disorder. They discussed everything from childhood traumas to current stressors, each revelation leaving her feeling more raw than the last. Dr. London never judged or criticized; instead, she offered gentle guidance and support as they navigated through the darkest corners of Lucy's mind together. Through these sessions, Lucy began to understand the underlying reasons behind her destructive behaviors and developed coping mechanisms to combat them. Although painful at times, these conversations provided a sense of relief and hope that maybe — just maybe — she could overcome this demon that had held her captive for far too long.

After months of grueling therapy and intense emotional work, Lucy finally found the courage to start eating her meals without restriction. At first, each bite sent shockwaves of pain through her system as she struggled to adjust to the sensation of nourishment coursing through her veins. But with each passing day, the sensation became less intense until eventually, it became bearable. She savored every flavor and texture, relishing in the satisfaction that comes with fueling her body properly. There were still moments when doubt crept in, threatening to derail her progress, but those instances grew fewer and farther between. Instead, Lucy focused on the progress she had already made and the promise of a brighter future ahead.

Today was Lucy's discharge day, and she couldn't wait to leave the confines of the rehabilitation center behind. As she walked towards the double doors, anticipation mixed with anxiety churned within her stomach. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lucy flung open the doors and sprinted straight into Angela's waiting arms. Angela, Lucy's older sister, had been her rock throughout this entire journey. She'd visited every weekend, offering words of encouragement and love whenever Luce needed it most. Now, as Luce collapsed into Angela's embrace, she let out a shuddering breath of relief. This wasn't the end of her recovery—it was merely the beginning—but for now, Lucy was grateful to have someone to lean on as she took her first tentative steps back into the outside world.

As they stepped outside into the warm sunlight, Angela wrapped her arms tightly around Luce, holding her close as she sobbed uncontrollably. The pent-up emotions and suppressed feelings poured, endless sobs that shook Lucy's slender frame. Angela murmured comforting words into her ear, stroking her hair gently as she rocked them both back and forth. Eventually, Lucy's cries subsided, leaving her exhausted but strangely calm. Looking up at Angela, she saw nothing but love and acceptance reflected back at her. For the first time in a very long time, Lucy felt truly seen and understood.

That evening, Angela threw a surprise welcome home party for Luce at their cozy little apartment. All of Angela's colleagues from the police station showed up, eager to celebrate Lucy's recovery. Amidst balloons and  decorations, everyone gathered around the living room, sharing stories and laughter. To everyone's surprise, Lucy joined in enthusiastically, enjoying every moment of the celebration. Her eyes were bright, her spark was back and the smile on her face was for once a real one. She devoured slice after slice of pizza without a hint of guilt, savoring the taste of each bite. As angela watched Lucy snuggle into her side and enjoy herself, Angela felt an immense sense of pride welling up inside her. This was exactly why she had fought so hard for Luce—to see her happy, healthy, and living life to the fullest.

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