Chapter 7.

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After hours of waiting around, Lucy was finally being shown to her room. It was surprisingly cosy, painted in calming pastel colours with tons of natural light shining through the windows. A warm blanket covered the narrow single bed, there was also a small desk and chair set near the window - perfect for journaling or drawing. The bathroom connected directly to the room but it was locked as on the eating disorder ward you needed to be monitored at all times, meaning you can't go to the toilet alone and you most definitely can't eat alone. Lucy sat down on the bed, so overwhelmed by the new environment she was in..

Later that evening Lucy lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She heard a knock on her door- startling her. Pushing herself upright she tentatively made her way over to the door to see who it was, there in front of her stood a young woman, very vibrant.

"Hi! I'm emily." she beamed, excitedly. Lucy couldn't help but notice how frail Emily appeared, her rib cage protruding beneath her skin like knives. Her cheeks were sunken, dark circles ringed her eyes. Still there was an infectious energy about her that was undeniable.
"My room is right next to yours!" Emily continued, oblivious to Lucy's growing unease.

"We should totally hang out sometime!" Lucy nodded her head, mutely- unable to speak due to the sudden surge of panic coursing through her veins. Lucy hadn't taken her medication for her social anxiety today and it was starting to catch up to her. Her palms were sweaty, her heart racing and her throat constricted tightly shut. All she wanted was for Emily to go away so she could retreat back to the comfort of her own silence. Unfortunately Emily showed no signs of leaving anytime soon, instead she launched into a lengthy discussion about herself , peppering Lucy with endless questions about her likes and dislikes, her family, her hobbies. It wasn't until Emily was called to take her medication that Lucy was finally able to breathe again, closing her door with such quickness before breathing a sigh of relief.

As mealtime rolled around, despite her best efforts, Lucy found herself struggling against the ever- present hunger gnawing at her insides. She knew what awaited her in the dining hall. Her body craved nourishment with an intensity that left her feeling helpless. Lucy simply couldn't bring herself to comply. So instead, she remained locked away in her room staring out the windows in her room into the darkness outside. Unknown to her, however, the staff were growing tired of her defiance, especially as it was only day 1. Before long, two burly security guards burst into her room, pinning her arms behind her back and forcing her out the room. Throughout the ordeal Lucy found herself fighting against them- kicking and screaming words that echoed down the sterile corridors. But ultimately it proved futile, they were simply too strong for her weakened state. By the time they reached the dining area, she was red-faced and breathless, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Lucy was forced to sit at a table as she looked around the room nauseously. Meanwhile, Emily found herself in a similar predicament. Dragged into the dining hall by a group of stern looking nurses - she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She was dragged towards the table Lucy was sitting at - despite her best efforts to run to her room. Both girls looked pale and drawn, their eyes reflecting the hopelessness that threatened to consume them whole.

Despite their shared misery, however, they managed to find a moment of joy- the two crying with laughter at the fact they were both dragged to the table. "So.. you too?" Lucy asked, gesturing at Emily's untouched plate. Emily gave a weak smile, running her hand through her stringy hair. "Yeah.. it sucks doesn't it. I came here to get better, yet I've never felt worse." they lapsed into silence, lost in their own thoughts as the two picked at their food. Occasionally one of them speaks but ultimately they were both sat there watching the clock tick agonisingly slow. Lucy felt her stomach turn at the smell of food wafting through the air. She was drowning in a mixture of fear and revulsion. When a nurse came by the two to encourage them to eat they shook their heads vehemently.

After what felt like hours, the nurses finally called them over to the counter. Reluctantly Lucy and Emily rose from their seats, following the instructions given to them. Upon reaching the counter they were presented with two cups filled with vicious brown liquid- ensure. The smell alone was enough to make Lucy gag, but she steeled herself against the urge, knowing that refusal meant further punishment.

Slowly, she raised the cup to her lips, wincing as the cool liquid slid down her throat. It tasted worse than she imagined, thick and chalky, with an underlying sweetness that made her want to vomit. Nonetheless she swallowed it down. Emily followed suit, grimacing but determined not to show any weakness. Once finished they trudged back to their table, heads hung low.

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