Chapter 11.

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Midnight found Lucy pacing relentlessly around her room, yearning for movement after restricting herself to her bed for days on end. She tiptoed across the hall into Emily's empty room. Peering inside, she noticed that Emily's belongings were still there and packed up. Gingerly, she approached the suitcase seeing the pink fabric of a journal nestled upon the clothing. She picked it up, flipping it open and page after page she read the thoughts of Emily that had been scribbled down onto the pink paper. As she read through each page tears sprang at her eyes, she hadn't known em that long but the time she did- changed her. Who knew a girl who touched her life so briefly would leave behind such a powerful legacy.
Lucy's fingers traced the lines of Emily's final entry.
"I want to get better, with Lucy by my side. We both deserve recovery and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."

Each word hit her harder than the last. Written in haste the ink smudged slightly, betraying the urgency of Emily's emotions. And then she read those words, Emily had hoped for a future together, a chance at happiness and healing. Those dreams, however fleeting, now lay shattered alongside her best friend. Tears streamed down Lucy's face as she closed the diary gently, holding it close to her heart. She realised that Emily's passing hadn't just robbed her of a true best friend, but also of a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow.

Under the cover of darkness, Lucy found herself drawn to the window, leaning against the cool glass as she gazed up at the twinkling stars above. A million thoughts swirled through her head, but one stood out amongst the others - she had to get better. For emily. For them. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and whispered her promise to the universe. her voice trembled as she spoke. "I'll get better em, for us.. I'll find recovery for the both of us. Live through me.." unbeknownst to her, the spirit of Emily hovered nearby, tears streaming down her ethereal face as she listened intently to Lucy's words. They were connected in more ways that neither of them could have ever imagined. And though separated by the veil of death, they remained intertwined in the spirit of true friendship.

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