Chapter 291

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September 4th, 2021
Tonight was the night. It was the opening night of Harry's so long awaited tour. Love On Tour. Harry was incredibly excited to open it here in Las Vegas. He's been planning and working on this tour for so long to make it special for him, but even more for his fans who were as excited as he was or probably even more as they had been waiting outside the arena from very early in the morning.

This time around, Harry decided for the stage to be in the middle of the arena so that everyone would have a good seat and view. It was shaped like a diamond, placed right in the middle with two catwalks on each side.

Right now, Harry was on stage with his guitar in his hands and the rest of the band behind him, sound checking the setlist. I was watching for a while, sitting in one of the seats further back to fully take it in, admiring Harry and how creatively he put it all together.

Imagining the sold out arena filled with his fans that are only here for him tonight, was once again unbelievable to witness. We were both "used to it" by now, but still after all these years doing it, it was an incredible feeling.

It was crazy to know that even though Harry would start tour for Fine Line tonight, he was also working on his third album at the same time. It would come out in May the next year as it was almost completely finished and he specifically wanted to tour it in Europe next year. Harry was working on so many projects at the moment which I really admired. At first I was a bit worried he took too much on him and eventually he'd overwork himself as he tended to do that, but he managed it all like a pro. The man loved working and starting things, trying out new stuff and taking risks. Something he wouldn't have done only a few years ago. It was incredible to see.

Meanwhile, I was working on my new music, but focused more on doing some charity work that I was really passionate about, along with trying to help children diagnosed with cancer as much as I could by organizing events so people could donate and help that way. I was really proud of what I already achieved with doing this and helping wherever I could, but the best thing was seeing all the children whenever I went to visit and surprise them at the hospital and spent the day with them. Some of the teenagers I talked to where really thankful after spending some time together and just talking since I knew exactly what they were going through and was able to give them some tips maybe or just connect and understand. I absolutely loved the work that I was doing for the charity and it was perfect to do even when I was away on tour with Harry.

After sound check, I wandered around the arena for a little while, just taking it all in before it would get loud. Not long after, one of the crew members asked me to go backstage as it was time for the doors to open and they'd let the fans in, so I did what I was told and quickly made my way backstage where I found Harry watching the fans enter the venue, running to the best spots at the barricade and I saw him smile a little.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, running it down his arm to which he turned around still with that cute smile on his face.

„Just a few hours now." I smiled back.

He nodded, pulling me into his side by my waist and pressed a kiss to my head. „I can't wait."

„Me neither." I looked up at him. „Look at all their beautiful and colorful outfits!" I pointed out, watching the screen and all the fans entering, everyone wearing whatever they loved. From colorful to various patterns and from feather boas to glitter and glam. We both couldn't take our eyes off the screen. It was wonderful to see.

„Wow, they all look incredible." Harry said and his eyes immediately lit up.

„The show will be great tonight, Harry." I searched his hand with mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

„I think so too." He nodded, looking at me with sparkly eyes. He was so happy and also proud of himself what warmed my heart.

Only a few hours later, the support act was on stage who Harry and I watched together backstage before he had to get ready himself. He basically forbid me to step foot into his dressing room for opening night as he wanted to surprise me with his outfit. I had no idea what the theme for this tour was and what he had in mind.
That was the only thing he kept a secret from me, so it made it all even more exciting to see him up on stage in only a few minutes.

I made my way outside into the general admission VIP area and stood right behind the fans who started waving and smiling at me as soon as they noticed I was there.
It was only a few minutes now. I was standing there all by myself only waiting for the clock to turn 9 pm.

And then the lights went out and screams erupted in the arena.

Harry has been underneath the stage for a little while already without anyone noticing the way he entered.

The screens lit up, showing the iconic, colorful Love On Tour bunnies and the intro officially started.

„Style is the answer to everything. A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous thing. To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it. To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art.
Style is a difference.
A way of doing.
A way of being done."

The poem ‚Style' from Charles Bukowski sounded through the arena, making it an incredible intro to the concert. I started to smile so hard and finally the lift in the middle of the stage raised and Harry appeared with his guitar around his shoulders, wearing an all pink outfit.
Pink pants with a beautiful, sparkly, pink west, no shirt underand his beloved butterfly tattoo on full display. He looked amazing and couldn't stop smiling himself the whole time. The energy in the room was unbelievable. Everyone waited for this very moment and it was finally here.

The cheers from the crowd were louder than ever. I looked around, watching everyone enjoying themselves and started to take some pictures and videos to show Harry later, so he could see what amazing fans he's got and how loved and adored he was by everyone. I've never seen such a thing. Fans with so much passion and joy, dressing up and dancing, singing so loud the floor was vibrating. An incredible thing to see and be part of.

I looked back at Harry, watching him and just feeling so, so proud of him and how far he's come.

He made it.

Harry and I exchanged a knowing look at some point during the show.

Yep...he made it.

he made it

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