Chapter 276

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March 2019
While we waited for Doctor Brown to get to our house, I made Harry lay down on his side on the couch, trying out every position possible that would hopefully help in any way.

I crouched down in front of him, keeping him company and trying to distract him a little. His face was buried in a pillow, his brows furrowed.

„Just want it to stop." He breathed silently.

„I know, baby. I do too." I kissed his cheek softly just when the doorbell rang. „That's her, you'll feel better in just a bit." I said on my way up and went to open the door, letting her inside.

As soon as she was in and Harry explained everything again, she set up her equipment she brought to do the ultrasound.

„Harry, are you experiencing the tingling and the numbness in both legs or just one?" Doctor Brown asked him while he sat back up so she could take a look at his back.

„Just the right one." He whimpered.

„Okay and is the pain stretching all the way down your leg?"

„Yeah." Harry nodded. „What does that mean?"

„I might have an idea what's causing it." She told him. „While walking, is it better or worse?"

„Better. Walking is the only thing that helps a little. I don't know how to explain, it's less uhh..." He thought for a second.

„Less stiff?" Doctor Brown asked.

„Yes exactly." Harry nodded again.

„I assume, it's a lot worse at night? While you lay down and relax?"

„It is a lot worse, yeah."

„Okay, before I say anything firther, I'll first take a look and will then do the ultrasound to see if I can see anything." She explained.

„Is it possible that it's fractured or something?" Harry asked her fully concerned.

„No, no, don't worry. If it would be fractured again, you wouldn't be able to move at all and it would have taken a much bigger impact on your spine to get fractured."

„Okay, that sounds good already." Harry breathed just as I did.

Doctor Brown started to examine his lower back by pressing around his spine a little, making Harry wince and whimper in pain.

„I'm sorry, I'm done now." The Doctor said. „Besides the bruise that formed, I don't see anything wrong, so let me take a look with the ultrasound. Would you please lean forward a bit?"

Harry nodded, struggling to hold himself upright in this position so I went to sit in front of him and let him take my hands to lean against me while Doctor Brown looked at the monitor.

Just a few moments later, she stopped and wiped the excess gel off Harry's back. „Alright, it's what I thought it was. You've got a pinched nerve. Since you were fine before, it must have happened when you got hit." She told us both.

„Okay, that's good news, right?" I asked her.

„It is, yes. It means the pain isn't coming from your spine, it's a nerve. That's why your leg has been tingling and going numb." He explained. „And it also means I can treat it."

„That sounds great. How can you treat it?" Harry wondered.

„I can do something that's called a deep tissue massage. That's what would fit best for you. It's a massage that'll relief your pain in an instant after it's done. I'll apply sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. It'll provide relief for a pinched nerve in the lower back. It also helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue." She explained. „Now, it is gonna hurt a lot in the beginning, but you'll feel much better afterwards."

„Okay, sounds good to me. I'll do anything to make it stop. Can you do it now?" Harry asked.

„Yes, I'll just set everything up first." She said, heading outside to get the stuff from her car that she needed. She brought some sort of portable bed that folded in half and looked like a massage bed that she set up in the living room. „Alright, I need you to lay down here on your stomach and we can start."

Harry did what she said and moved over to lay down on his stomach. She then started to press around on his back, making Harry scream in pain at times, his eyes shut and his hands in fists, his breathing sharp.

I hated watching him like that. The pain must have been immense. I heard the joints in his spine crack, making him wince every single time until eventually as she went on, I could tell the pain was easing down and he started to relax.

„Okay, Harry. I'm all done. How are you feeling?" Doctor Brown asked after a while.

„Better. Less tight." He said and I looked at her all surprised that it actually worked.

„Excellent. Can you try to slowly sit up?" She asked, helping Harry sit upright and it was the first time he didn't grimace in pain.
Harry's facial expression instantly relaxed and he let out a deep breath of relief.

„Fuck me, it worked." He said, finally smiling a little, making both me and Doctor Brown smile as well.

„How does your leg feel? Still the same?"

„No, it stopped tingling." He said, pinching his thigh. „And the numbness is gone." He breathed, relief washing over him.

„Good, that's perfect. Just what I meant to happen. Now, I'm done here, just remember that your back has become more sensitive to things like this because of your accident, so it's likely you'll experience a little bit of pain over the next one or two weeks, but it shouldn't be bad. Just don't strain your back for that time, meaning no heavy lifting, maybe a adjust your workout for a while and just the usual stuff you probably already know, alright?" Doctor Brown told him. „Take it easy."

„I'll take care of it." Harry nodded understandingly. „Thank you so much, I thought it would never go away."

„You're very welcome. That's what I'm here for." She said, starting to pack her things.

As soon as she brought all her equipment into her car, she left at what was like 3 am now.

„Glad I called her now?" I smiled at Harry as I returned from the front door.

„I am. Very glad actually." He said as he stood next to the stairs, leaning against the wall in the hallway. „Thank you. It was hurting so bad, didn't think it would ever stop." He told me, one hand placed on his back.

„God, baby. I'm glad you're feeling better." I went to wrap my arms around him after kissing his lips. „And all because of some damn paps."

„I know, but what can I do?" He shrugged.

„Nothing, but it's not okay for them hurting you."

He nodded, not knowing what to say to that, because he knew I was right with this.

„Come on upstairs, you need sleep now. You look absolutely exhausted." I said, taking his hand and making my way upstairs with him.

We both got back in bed, Harry scooting closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. „I love you so much, thank you for always looking out for me." He said and I smiled at that.

„Love you more. Just want you to be okay."

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