Chapter 286

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September 2019
I was standing in the kitchen, watching the pizza in the oven as I decided I wouldn't wait any longer for Harry to message back when I heard the front door quickly open and shut again, making me jump a little at the sudden noise.

„I didn't know when you'd be home so I already put the pizza in the oven." I called, turning around to the kitchen aisle to put away some stuff. „Haz?" I called again when I didn't get a response. I frowned, walking out of the kitchen and into the hallway to the front door. I looked up, seeing Harry still standing at the entrance with his back and hands pressed to the closed door. His hair was a mess, his breathing was unbelievably quick and his eyes were wide. He had a this look on his face, one that I only saw very rarely and that was fear. „Harry, what happened?" I instantly approached him, cupping both his cheeks.

„I just got robbed." He managed to let out, breathless and with a trembling voice.

„You what?!" I felt my heart sink just imagining something like that happening to him.

„I- I walked the last bit home when these guys stopped me and surrounded me. They- they wanted money, but I didn't have any cash with so when they noticed my phone in my pocket...they wanted me to give it to them...I- I didn't want to give it to them and then..." He stopped to take a breath. „One of them had a knife. They got distracted by a car passing by I ran. As fast as I could, I ran home."

„Oh my god! Oh my god, I'm so sorry, baby." I couldn't believe what he told me, shaking my head just imagining it.

I reached my hand out to lock the door before I took his hands and led him to the living room to sit down as he was clearly shaken up. His hands were trembling, so as we sat down, I held them, giving them a gentle squeeze to make him feel safe.

„Did they follow you?" I asked him gently.

He shook his head. „No, luckily they didn't." He breathed, letting go of my hands and rubbing his face before he leaned back into the couch. „I cannot believe this happened." He said silently, the fear still very prominent in his eyes.

I moved to lean back against the backrest of the couch as well, watching him closely and reaching my hand out to run it through his soft hair to give him some sort of comfort. „Me neither...that's just awful. We have to call the police though, H."

He nodded. „I know...I just need a minute. Please."

„Yeah, that's okay, lovie." I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. „I'm so sorry this happened to you. I should have known something was up when you didn't respond to my messages."

„I just...I cannot believe it..." He sighed frustrated. „The guy had a knife, Y/n." He looked at me with wide eyes, the scenario probably replaying in his head.

„Oh babe, come here." I wrapped my arms around his body again, resting my head against his chest. „I'm so glad nothing happened to you. I don't even wanna imagine what they could have done to you."

„ neither..." He breathed as I noticed his heart in his chest pounding harder and harder every second. I looked up at him, seeing the way he spaced out and stared into nothingness while his breathing changed as well. He was panicking. The adrenaline probably slowly wearing off now.

„Babe, look at me." I sat back up, letting go of him. „Harry, baby, take some deep breaths, alright?" I pulled him up into a sitting position so he sat straight and could breathe better. I knelt down in front of him, placing my hands in his and looked up at him. „Shhh breathe." I said again with a soft voice when I saw a tear rolling down his cheek. „You're safe now, Harry. You're safe here. Nothing will happen to you, I promise." I gave his hands a gentle squeeze. „Just try to breathe, H. It's okay. Everything's okay." I assured him again.

We stayed like this for a while until his breathing finally normalized again just like his pulse did.

„Are you feeling a bit better?" I asked him, sitting back down next to him and rubbed his back soothingly.

„Yeah." He nodded. „Thank you..."

„No need to, my love." I kissed his cheek softly.

A little while later, we called the police who came over and Harry explained everything that happened, sitting at the dinner table. I stood in the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen aisle, watching and listening. Hearing Harry telling them everything so detailed made me realize even more how dangerous of a situation Harry was in and that it very quickly could have ended very badly. A scenario I didn't wanna think about.

Later that night, after the police had left, Harry and I were sitting on the couch, watching a movie, but I could tell he was still tense and most probably scared. Every little, loud sound startled him and made him jump until he knew where it came from and that it was all okay. I hated to see him that way and tried my best to reassure him everything was fine and nothing was going to happen to him. We specifically called security guards and placed them in front of our house and the gates just to be safe and especially to make Harry feel safer and calmer.

I sat as close to him on the couch as I could, leaning against his shoulder while one of my arms was draped over his waist.

As I noticed him spacing out again, I looked up at him and cupped his cheek to first get his attention before I kissed his soft lips. „You're safe, baby. Nothing's gonna happen to you." I whispered to calm him down again.

He nodded with a soft smile. „Thanks...I love you so much." He whispered back, kissing me again.

„Love you more, H." I smiled back. „They're gonna take care of it...the police. You have nothing to worry about, I promise."

„Yeah...I know, I'm just...a bit paranoid, you know?"

„I understand, baby. That's okay." I ran my hand through his soft curls. „It's gonna be alright." I assured him and he nodded.

We spent the night cuddled up on the couch watching movies together until we eventually fell asleep.

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