Part One

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This is a bad idea.

That's what you should be thinking about. 

But instead, you're sitting behind Obi-Wan in the cockpit, your eyes closed and feet kicked up on his armrest, listening to him and Anakin bicker about Obi-Wan's flying. You should be concerned, in fact, you should probably be questioning your sanity at this point; however, it's hard to do that when you consider that it isn't always like this with you and Obi-Wan. It isn't always peaceful. In quiet moments like this, there's an unspoken understanding between you both that they're meant to be spent together. Obi-Wan gently nudges your foot with his elbow, causing you to gently kick your fellow Jedi Master in return. You can't see his face, but you know he's smiling. Despite the circumstances, it's a moment of peace and you're spending it with him.

It didn't last long though; those moments never do.


Ahsoka's voice pulls you from your relaxed state. You groggily open your eyes and glance over at Anakin's young padawan. She's fidgeting, she's been restless for the entire flight; however, until now, she was practically silent except for a few answers she provided when Anakin would ask a question. You can feel Obi-Wan's gaze shift to you after his eyes scanned for any signs of trouble. Instead of trouble, all he found was Anakin's bored padawan and his best friend attempting to get some rest before their mission begins.

"Yes, Ahsoka?"

You close your eyes once again and stretch your legs out further on Obi-Wan's armrest attempting to drift back toward your relaxed state. Although Anakin is supposed to be keeping her occupied as you slept and Obi-Wan flew, especially since the two of them were not meant to be here in the first place which Obi-Wan made clear several times, his incessant grumbling in regard to Obi-Wan's technique was keeping him preoccupied. This has left you with the job of keeping the young padawan entertained.

"How did you and Master Kenobi meet?"

Her question causes you to let out a soft chuckle. You've heard her ask Anakin this same question several times; however, she never seemed pleased with his answers.

"Ahsoka, how many times are you going to ask this question?"

Anakin groans from in front of you. You slowly open your eyes as you begin to realize that you're most likely not going to get the rest you desired to get before the mission. Regardless, you can't help but smile at the scene before you. Anakin and Ahsoka's bickering is not foreign to you. In fact, you spent a great deal of time with them; however, every time they go at it, you're always delighted by their sibling-like bond. Anakin may never say it aloud, but the council really knew what they were doing putting the two of them together.

"Until I get an actual answer, Master."

Ahsoka's shoulders shrug as she speaks. Her full attention had been on Anakin, but she turned to face you after her dispute with her Master. Her full and undivided attention now on you.

"All he's told me is that for as long as he's known Master Kenobi, he's known you."

"Well, he's certainly not wrong."

Obi-Wan is grinning as he speaks, looking like the boy you had met all those years ago. Many things about Obi-Wan have changed as time passed: his hair tamer, his beard wilder, his composure just as dignified, but much more reckless with age and experience. He's no longer a boy, you know that; however, as he looks over his shoulder to Ahsoka, his eyes lighting up as his composure becomes more playful than stern, you know the boy he once was is still apart of him.

"You've really known him that long?"

Ahsoka's curiosity was evident in her posture; now sitting forward, leaning toward the two of you as you answer. It was moments like these when you remember that she's just a child; it's easy to forget when the four of you spend most of your time together in the heat of battle.

"I've known Anakin since he was just a boy."

"Were you with them on Naboo?"

"No, I was not."

"So, you knew each other before then."

She's persistent, you'll give her that. You look toward Obi-Wan for help. He seems just as taken aback at how insistent she is to know the origin of your friendship. Obi-Wan looks to Anakin for assistance, but he seems to be just as enthralled as Ahsoka. Like Master, like padawan, Obi-Wan thinks before rolling his eyes at the boy.

"We've known each other for many years."

You know he's attempting to save you from Ahsoka's line of questioning; however, now she's determined. She certainly isn't one to let something go; you don't know if that's a quality she's picked up from her Master or one she possessed on her own. Either way, it is now being used against you. She turns back to you and waits for your response, completely disregarding Obi-Wan's answer.

"Technically, we met at the temple, but I've known him my entire life."

"That's impossible."

The bond the two of you share isn't a secret you were keeping hidden from everyone; however, it also isn't something you talk to others about all the time. There are only a handful of people who understand how connected you both are. Anakin knows about it simply because of how much time the three of you have spent together throughout his life, but he also knows he doesn't fully understand what's going on between the two of you.

"It certainly seems that way. He's just always been there."

Her brow furrows as she tries to understand the situation. It's impossible for you both to have actually known one another for your entire lives. Obi-Wan came from Stewjon, while you had a more complicated story. No one is quite sure where you're from.

"Does that mean you've both always been this close?"

The two of you laughed at her question, remembering back fondly to when both of you were children.

"No, we were at each other's throats from the moment we met one another."

Obi-Wan answers her question plainly; however, it brings him back to a simpler time when what concerned him most was impressing you day in and day out. Ahsoka looks between the both of you. Her face falters and you can see how surprised she is by this fact. Sure, the two of you bicker; however, it's hard for her to even imagine the two of you not getting along. You're a team, everyone knows that.

"He was this do everything by the books kind of guy who would call me out and correct everything that I did. He annoyed me to no end."

"And she was this spitfire who could not be contained: all this passion and drive, with no desire to listen to absolutely anyone – especially me."

It was true. The two of you could not have been more different. In fact, you drove each other crazy. You're certain that you annoyed him far more than he ever annoyed you; however, he's never going to disclose that to you now. Even though you seemed like an unlikely pair, in the beginning, there was something that held the two of you together.

"What changed?"

"We got to know each other more. We spent so much of our time together: training, studying, and everything in between. At first, it was like we were competing with one another over everything, but after a while, we seemed to balance each other out. Now we're rarely apart."

You glance back at Obi-Wan who was already looking at you. His boyish grin now replaced with an earnest smile. God, you drove him crazy, but he'd do it all over again if given the chance.

"Still annoying each other to no end though, right?"

Anakin's joke earns him a laugh from both you and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan's gaze shifts from you to Anakin, eyes lighting up in the process. You know what he's going to say before he even opened his mouth.

"Well, you're certainly not wrong."

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