Part Three

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The first three days were quiet.

Almost too quiet, according to Obi-Wan. The two of you have spent a majority of your time patrolling the Sundari Palace while Anakin and Ahsoka act as a personal Jedi security detail to the Duchess. You know that Anakin and Ahsoka are growing tired of the job. It is repetitive, mundane, and lacks the action that the pair have grown used to during the war. You blame Obi-Wan for Anakin's incessant need to throw himself into the line of fire – even though you're certain that the young man learned it from watching you and Obi-Wan rush head first into battle together. Obi-Wan, however, was his master, not you, so it made it easy to use him as a scapegoat.

While Anakin and Ahsoka are growing tiresome, you and Obi-Wan are enjoying the simpleness of getting to spend periods of uninterrupted time together. This is something you and Obi-Wan haven't experienced in a very long time – not since you both were training at the Jedi Temple together many moons ago. The war often sent you and Obi-Wan across the galaxy from one another. Although you lead the 212th Attack Battalion with him, there is often a need to split the 212th between the two of you on separate missions – Obi-Wan with Cody and you with Gregor. This results in long periods of time where your only communication with Obi-Wan is through updates to the Jedi Council and, if you're lucky, a few private messages to each other's personal communicators. It's a hard way to live, but the war requires sacrifices from all.

Your heart yearns for the end of the war. For Anakin and Ahsoka to see what the Jedi look like outside of a galactic war. For them to live as peacekeepers instead of generals and commanders. For Obi-Wan who grows more exhausted every day that the war drags on. Although he is regarded as one of the most skilled Jedis in the order, you know he'd agree to never swing the saber attached to his hip again if it meant that the war would end tomorrow. He's deadly in battle, but the violence and death that comes at the expense of a war has worn him down. For the clones that you have grown fond of over the years. You hope one day that you can watch Rex, Cody, and the 212th Attack Battalion create lives for themselves and become something other than soldiers. And for yourself, for reasons that the Jedi Order may deem selfish, but you regard as human.

The war was still as present as ever, but this mission became an escape for you. There were no battle plans to look over or orders to give. However, the four of you have simply traded in one threat for another. A threat that has stayed in shadows. Because you are so used to an enemy that attacks in the hundreds or thousands– it's easy to forget that Death Watch is dangerous. The quietness has allowed all four of you to grow comfortable.

You and Obi-Wan enter the throne room to reconvene with the Duchess, Anakin, and Ahsoka after another uneventful patrol around the palace. Anakin and Ahsoka are laughing with the Duchess as the three converse amongst themselves. The sight brings a fond smile to your face. You glance at Obi-Wan, whose expression matches yours. He meets your eyes and his expression turns somber – he knows what's troubling you without asking. He reaches out and places a firm hand on your shoulder. A simple reminder that this one day will be a normal, every day occurrence.

"Ahh, now it's a party."

Obi-Wan rolls his eyes at his former padawan, but the comment elicits a small chuckle from the Jedi Master standing beside you.

"We're just checking in, Anakin."

"Everything's been quiet here, like usual."

Obi-Wan's brow furrows at Anakin's answer and Anakin's face immediately twists into regret. You glance at Ahsoka and let out a soft sigh, knowing where this is about to go.

"Don't allow your mind to drift, Anakin. It's vital that we all stay sharp."

"Yes, Master."

"I think I'd like to spend some time in the palace gardens. Obi-Wan, do you mind if I steal her from you for just a quick walk?"

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