Part Five

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You were safe for a while.

And then you weren't. You had spent the past several days in hiding, moving from place to place. Obi-Wan's knowledge of the lower levels is vast due to his past experience of being on the run in Mandalore. He has kept you all moving – not wanting to stay anywhere long enough to draw Death Watch's eyes. Not wanting to stay anywhere long enough to get comfortable. You all now know the price of getting comfortable. But even with Obi-Wan's precautions and careful planning, Death Watch is now on your trail. You aren't sure how they found you, but they did. That's what matters.

Your hood is pulled over your head, hiding your face from the bustling crowds of a local street market. Obi-Wan's hope is that you can blend in, lose Death Watch, and find your next hideout. The only thing is that blending in means splitting up, which is how you have ended up walking a few paces behind Obi-Wan with the Duchess by your side – Anakin and Ahsoka nowhere to be found. They had split away from you a while ago. All you know is that they're somewhere in the street market, just like you.

Obi-Wan glances back at you, making sure you haven't fallen too far behind. Worry is etched into his features – you can see it from behind the fabric currently shielding most of his face from onlookers. He's long since ditched the Jedi robes and has opted instead for his tan trousers and a matching loose, long-sleeved sweater. To help conceal his identity he has a thick tan shawl wrapped around his head, the extra fabric is hanging off his left shoulder gracefully – it hides most of his defining features perfectly, except for his auburn beard which has grown wilder and untamed during his time on Mandalore. He looks like any other man in the crowded market, just like the rest of you, but he's not just any other man.

Obi-Wan stops as he spots Anakin's black cloak far ahead of him in the crowd. He's turning to head to the other side of the market with Ahsoka – Obi-Wan wants to catch up to him before he inevitably loses him in the crowd once again. He turns to face you and the Duchess. You look at him with raised brows, wondering what he's doing.

"I just spotted Anakin and Ahsoka a ways down the street. Stay here and blend in while I check in with them."

You nod at his order before ushering the Duchess to where various stalls stocked with merchandise line the street. The two of you meander your way down the street, stopping every once and awhile to keep up appearances. You're supposed to look like you're shopping.

"He seems particularly concerned about you today."

You look to your side, where the Duchess is standing – pretending to browse through a stall full of jewelry you have both stopped in front of. She too has taken to wearing civvies as opposed to her usual royal attire. You know why she thinks that. Obi-Wan has been checking to make sure you're still behind him more than he should – more than he needs to – since you all made your way to the market.

"I am still limping and we're being hunted, that means eventually we'll have to run. And well..."

Your voice trails off as you look down to your leg. You've managed to hide the injury well under your baggy olive trousers, but it is still causing you immense pain. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka have done all they can to tend to the wound, but you require more than the basic first aid that they can provide. Still, you know what your mission is and your duty is to protect the Duchess – you're not going to let any injuries stand in the way of that.

"It's because he cares."

"I know."

The Duchess picks up a necklace with a simple rope chain and a vibrant center stone. It reminds you of a trip you had taken with Obi-Wan on a past leave, before the war had started and had taken over your lives. A time when voyages to distant planets were for exploration, not for destruction. A more peaceful time.

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