Part Nine

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Anxiety fills the small cell.

Anakin is sat on the bed as his mind races to worst case scenarios. He's been spiraling since two Death Watch soldiers came to take Obi-Wan back to the throne room, leaving him here. Alone. He attempted to find a way out, but he knew it was useless – he and Obi-Wan combed the small cell multiple times during their time as it's occupants, there is no way out but through the guarded cell door. Now, he's left to wonder what they're doing to Obi-Wan and if he's even coming back at all. Obi-Wan seemed fairly certain that this was it for him. But he has to come back. He made you a promise.

He's not quite sure how he'll tell you the news. He's honestly not sure that he could take that – the heartbreak in your eyes when you realize Obi-Wan is never coming back, the cries of sorrow and loss, and the heavy burden of guilt that would weigh on his shoulders knowing he was the only person you trusted to protect Obi-Wan and he failed to do just that. However, regardless of his feelings, he knows you deserve to know the truth. That is, if he ever gets out of here and the odds of that seem slim as well. He knows that'll just make things worse. It's obvious how important he and Obi-Wan are to you – how deeply connected the three of you are. You've built a life with the two of them over the years – created this family unit that you've grown to love and cherish.

Anakin worries what might happen to you if you were to lose them both. He worries that you may never recover from something like that. He knows Ahsoka will take care of you – she would feel that it is her duty to protect you, comfort you, make you laugh. Just like him, Ahsoka feels as though she owes you everything for how you've always looked after her – like how a mother would look after her daughter. If anything, Anakin can at least be at peace with the fact that you won't be alone, even though your boys may never come back from war. He hopes that's enough.

He's not certain how long he sits there, but it's long enough for him to drift. That is, until he hears the sound of a body hitting the floor from just outside his cell. Anakin immediately stands and braces himself. They better not have brought Obi-Wan's body back to him. What a cruel and twisted joke that would be. To just let him drown in his own misery at the sight of his former master, lifeless. But instead, Anakin is met with a pair of friendly eyes. He lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes at the sight of her.

"Ahsoka, I've never been happier to see you."

"It's good to see you too, Master."

Anakin looks behind Ahsoka and notices a band of Death Watch soldiers waiting for them. One, who Anakin assumes is the leader, stands before all the rest with her helmet off.

"I see you've found some friends?"

"I've been busy."

Anakin lets out a surprised laugh and takes a moment to let his eyes scan the soldiers. He's looking for you. Ahsoka notices and gets his attention.

"They've got her."

Anakin tenses. Ahsoka reaches out her hand and Anakin's eyes light up as he notices what's in her palm. His lightsaber. He grabs the saber and holds it in both of his hands, admiring it before attaching it to his hip. He looks up at Ahsoka and his eyes flash with a youthful recklessness – something Ahsoka hasn't seen for awhile. It brings a smile to her face.

"Well, let's go save the day."

In the throne room, Obi-Wan is back on his knees. Maul sits before him on the throne, his posture relaxed while Death Watch soldiers keep Obi-Wan's body upright. He's exhausted. He hasn't had a good night's rest since you all landed on Mandalore and he hasn't slept at all since his imprisonment.

"Kenobi, I brought you here to break you. I knew the Duchess would call for your help and even though the Jedi Council would not allow for intervention, you would come. I knew killing the person you care for most would tear you apart from the inside – make you suffer, just as you made me for all those years."

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