Chapter 16

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That jolts me from my previous position and I turn my head to wipe my eyes quickly. It seemed as though Matteo noticed because he rushes around the car to come by my side. He opens the door and kneels on the ground. I turn to look in the other direction so he couldn't see my tear-stained face.

"Aria, he's no longer allowed to come back. I promise it won't happen agai-"

Although I couldn't see him, I knew he was struggling to find the words to speak with me. I hope he doesn't think it's his fault.

"It's o-okay Matteo, I was just startled that's all," I let out a small throaty laugh, " it- wasn't even his fault honestly, he was just doing his jo-"

"No Aria. It was his fault and he will be punished."

His angry voice caused me to look at him. His gaze falls on my cheek where the tears previously had fallen. A couple of seconds pass and he suddenly raises his hand. I flinch back on instinct and close my hands tightly in a fist. Matteo clears his throat and shuts the door. He takes a seat on the driver's side and points at my seatbelt without looking my way. After I put it on he starts to back out of the parking lot.

He looks even angrier than before.

I have to make him happy, somehow.

I wipe under my eyes once more and take a deep breath, bringing a light smile to my face.

Happy thoughts only!

I count to ten and look towards him, taking another deep breath, I say, "Y-you have a really nice car."

"We," he states sternly, looking straight at the road.

"D-do you like to play sports?"

Matteo hummed and nodded, "Sometimes,"

A couple of minutes pass in silence.

"Could you p-put your favorite song on? It'll be n-nice to hear."

Matteo still had a blank expression but there was a light curve on his lips, "You cannot listen to my type of music."

I nod in comprehension and look forward.

The tension decreased so the mission was a success.

I give myself a light pat and have a real smile on my face.

Before I could read the title listed on the player, the car suddenly jerks to the left.

Matteo slams the brakes.

I'm startled and try to grab the closest thing in reach but before I could Matteo places his arm in front of me as a barrier.

My heart is racing and I can feel blood rushing to my face.

What is happening?

Matteo lets out a curse and races the car forward. He looks out the side mirror and slams his hand on the wheel. A dark look is in his eyes as he tightens his hands around it.

He looks at me with a serious expression, "Lower your head and don't look out the window."

He turns back and keeps driving, turning to look at the cars behind us. There was a loud crash next to my head and bullets were shot at the side mirrors. Matteo was speaking urgently on the phone but it was hard to understand what he was saying. The only thing I could pick up on was "Sandro" through my hazy thoughts.

Shouts and yelling could be heard and I bring my arms up to cover my head. I tremble as I feel the car speed, jolting left and right to avoid the bullets.

He mumbles something before placing a hand on my head.

After several moments the car comes to a quick stop and Matteo opens his car door. He reached to the side and pulls something out. I couldn't see as my door was suddenly yanked open as well.

To my surprise it was Leo. He rushes me out and holds my hand, running towards a building in front of us. I try to look behind to see where Matteo went but was tugged forward. Gunshots were heard all around, fading as we got closer to the door. Two men were running in the direction we came from with guns in their hands. Leo pulled me through the front doors and I stumble slightly.

Everything was very blurry as I was rushed into a room. Zeno was seated on a couch and got up when he saw us enter. He hurriedly came over and grabbed my hand.

"You alright?"

I couldn't speak, my thoughts were racing trying overcome one another. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself before meeting his eyes.

"-you okay?"

I try nodding.

"Aria," a deep voice is spoken from behind, Alessandro.

He walks into the room with Gabe following him. Gabe lets out a breath of relief when he sees me and holds my face gently. His eyes scanned all over to see if I was okay.

"G-Gabe, I'm a-alright" I try to reassure him with my dry throat.

Zeno grabs a water bottle from the desk and hands it to me. Once the water touches my throat I start to drink it as if this was my last sip.

He checks over me for a couple of seconds before stepping back.


Where is Matteo?

There were so many gunshots outside, where could he have gone?

My heart drops at the possibility of him getting hurt and I rush out of the room. Frantically looking around, hoping to find Matteo within the crowd in the building. I am suddenly stopped by a strong hand.

"I-I need t-to find him, please-" I say in panic as I yank my hand out of the person's grip.

I turn to look out the front door and Matteo walks in.

He's limping.

I run up to him and feel tears rushing into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean for you to get hurt. H-here you can lean on me and I- I can bring you to the room. I'll find a first-aid kit, let me ju-"

Matteo cuts my panicked rambling by hugging me tightly.

I didn't focus on the pain, all that mattered was Matteo in front of me. I grip his shirt tightly as I let out a sob.

"I'm sorry I left yo-"

"Aria shhh it's not your fault."

A minute passes and I hear some footsteps coming our way. I move back and gasp, seeing blood running down his knee.

I am pulled back and feel Leo hugging me, whispering words of comfort.

"Don't worry, Gabe will take care of him, he's a doctor."

That causes me to sigh in relief. Gabe leads Matteo to what I assume is a medical room. Alessandro watched them enter the room and turned to face me, Leo, and Zeno.

"Aria," he calls as he motions towards a hall.

He leads us to an office and closes the door.

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