Chapter 22

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As I step outside I see the trees dancing beautifully in the wind. A couple of more steps and I reach the garden. The sun reflected off the windows and shone onto the ripened fruits, ready to be picked.

Nearing the orange tree, various hues of bright reddish-orange shone back, beckoning me to grab the juicy delicious fruit. I pick the oranges closest to my level and place them on my left arm. As the weight begins to put pressure on my arm, a hand reaches from behind and grabs the ones out of my reach. 

After getting most of the ripened oranges, we walk back to the sitting area. Placing the fruit on the swing, we walk towards the couches.

Alessandro and I sit in silence, enjoying the occasional breeze that crosses over us. I close my eyes and lean back, feeling my muscles relax into the soft couch. A couple of minutes pass before Leo barges outside, sweat covering his forehead. He looks around frantically and lets out a sigh of relief when his eyes land on Alessandro and me.

He runs over and hugs me tightly, I squint my eyes from the sudden sting but don't say anything as I hear his thundering heart beat drumming in my ears.

"Attento" Alessandro's voice cuts in.

He quickly lets go and looks over me, apologizing swiftly. 

"It's okay Leo, but what happened?" I ask as I watch him sit beside me and hold onto my hand.

"Shit" he says as he remembers something and runs inside.

"Sta bene, solo con Alessandro fuori!" I hear him yell as he slams the door open.

My eyes follow him to the door and he walks back outside he's with Zeno, Gabe, and Matteo.

"You should have told us you were coming outside munchkin, we were worried." Gabe softly says as he kisses my head and sits on the couch beside me. Everyone walks on over and take their seats around us.

"I'm sorry, I d-didn't mean to worry you. I- I just wanted some fresh air." My hands meet as I start to pinch my palm slightly, hating the negative feeling.

"We would have come with you." Matteo grunts as he stares intensely. I meet his eyes and quickly shift down, nodding slightly so he knows I heard him.

"I brought her." Alessandro stands, fixing his clothes, "she didn't want to disturb you all."

With that, he heads inside.

Zeno jumps onto the swing and accidentally sits on an orange. With a scowl on his face he picks up the crushed fruit and throws it at Leo. Soon after they started chasing each other in the grass. Thankful for the shift in mood I smile as I watch them.

"Your shoulder probably feels sore right?" Gabe asks as he leans forward.

I nod, "A bit but I can handle it."

He smiles at that, "I'm sure you can but let me get some medicine so it's not too bad."

When he gets up to go inside I notice Zeno and Leo starting to wrestle. I watch in shock as they start to grab one another, forcing the other to fall on the ground.

"They'll be okay." Matteo grumbles as he watches them, leaning back and observing every move.

When Zeno was about to get punched I flinch and look away.

Matteo clears his throat and turns toward me. He grabs an orange and starts to peel it, holding out the peeled pieces to me.

"T-thank you," I pick one up and take a bite, mmm they were sweet and juicy. Matteo points at my hand and hesitantly I hold it out. He sighs and flips it to where my palm was out, placing the rest of the pieces on it. I let out a soft laugh and take another bite.

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