Chapter 17

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Upon entering, Alessandro gently moves me to a chair.

He takes a seat on the opposite side and glances at my trembling figure. The tension within the room is thick, every light sound can be heard clearly. I bring my hand up to bite my nails, trying to distract my negative thoughts.

My heart is still racing and I can feel my head start to feel woozy.

A sharp sound is heard and I jump from my position. Knowing I can't stay here longer I stand up and finally meet Alessandro's eyes.

"M-may I p-please see Matteo?" I can feel the tears forming in my eyes and I try to take a deep breath to calm myself.

Alessandro continues to observe me for a minute and stands up.

"I was hoping you would feel better alone but I suppose you are worried about his health," his deep voice states as he watches me shuffle on my feet.

I nod once and Alessandro walks up to me.

"He will be alright, but you tell me, are you okay?"

"I- I will be, j-just a bit s-startl-ed," I stutter as I reply to him.

There's a knock on the door and I step back from Alessandro.

A built man walks in without waiting for Alessandro's answer and my eyes widen.

I know it's irrational to pair him with the shooting but I feel my heart skip a beat. I look at the ground and move behind Alessandro quickly, stepping close but not touching him. He in turn places his hand on my shoulder and says something to the man in Italian.

A couple of seconds later the man steps out and I release the breath I was holding.

"No one will hurt you here, you have my word."

Alessandro was about to walk out when I reached to hold onto the sleeve of his suit.

"P-please don't l-leave me alone," I say quietly, keeping my gaze on the ground.

Alessandro leads me to the couch in his office and sits beside me. Once I'm settled he takes his phone out, speaking sternly on the other end.

A couple of minutes pass as I lean back onto the couch, closing my eyes. There's another knock on the door and I freeze before relaxing.

No one will hurt me, Alessandro gave his word.

In walks Zeno and Leo, they bring the chairs from the desk and place them by the couch. After taking a seat they start to speak with Alessandro in Italian.

I'm going to apply for some online classes when I go back home. Gabe and Leo won't mind helping me but I'm not sure how Ma-

"W-wait how is Matteo," I interrupt their conversation as his name crosses my mind once again.

They look at one another before Zeno sighs, he then gets up and walks out the door.

"Please tell me w-what's wrong, why aren't y-you telling me anything?"

"Zeno went to go check on him sweetheart, just give him a couple of minutes and we can go see him together."

There's no use fighting back so I once again try to relax. Leo gives a light smile and takes a hold of my hand.

A phone starts to ring and Alessandro takes a deep breath. He looks at me and silently motions to the door in question, waiting for my reply.

I nod and he steps outside to answer the call.

Today has been a hectic day and I can't wait to get back into my bed with Nono.

The door suddenly opens and Gabe walks in.

I jump from the couch and rush over to him.

"Is h-he okay?"

Gabe chuckles and places his hand on my head. "Munchkin he is more than okay, wanna go meet him?"

I clear my throat and answer yes. Leo joins us before taking my hand, all three of us continue to walk together.

Oddly enough when we stepped outside there was no one there. I could have sworn I heard a lot of voices when we first entered.

Alessandro stood outside the glass door speaking with Zeno. Who in turn taps on the glass and points at Leo. Leo kisses my head and whispers he'll meet us after speaking with the others.

I follow Gabe into a long hallway and turn right. There we see a couple of curtains and a bed towards the center.

Upon entering Matteo lifts his head and relaxes slightly as he sees who entered the room.

Gabe pulled out a chair and placed it beside Matteo's bed, he held onto my hand and led me to it. Once there, he picked up some extra supplies and walked out the door.

I stay quiet and turn to the seat.

As I was about to sit I notice a big bandage on Matteo's thigh.

My hand trembles as I place it on the rim of the bed. What if he got shot somewhere else? What if it was because of that man? He might be mad at me for causing the trainer to be angry, which caused him to get shot.

If I wasn't here he would have been okay.

"M-Matteo, I'm so sorry, I- I promise I didn't mean to h-hurt you. I wasn't trying to break any rules and I didn't know the man would get mad and do this, if I could somehow change this I would instantly put myself in your place-"

Matteo stiffened and sits up quickly, he grabbed onto my arm.

"Don't you ever say that again," he said sternly.

My lip quivers and the tears I've been holding in after the incident rush out. Matteo pulls me to him, hugging me tightly. I let out an sob and feel Matteo tighten his hold. When I try to pull back he doesn't let go. I hear the door open and light footsteps entering.

I wipe my eyes and step back looking down at my feet.

"Aria it wasn't him, just some crazy teens shooting out on the highway... The police already got them so they won't be trouble anymore."

Matteo says as Gabe walks to the bed.

He starts picking up the dirty clothes and says it's time to go home.

Leo and Zeno enter the room to help Matteo, but he pushes them away and limps outside. I go to help Gabe with the clothes but he just held onto my hand. We walk through the empty building till we reach the cars parked at the entrance. After Matteo sits in the black car, Zeno takes a seat in the back and Leo in the driver's side.

Alessandro walks outside and sits in the other car. Gabe walks up to him and places the items in the back.

Where should I go?

"Munchkin, come on over," Gabe says as he opens the car door.

I glance at the other car and wave at Leo as I head to the open door.

After I take a seat, Gabe buckles my seat belt and closes the door.

I thought Gabe was going to sit in the front but he surprised me by walking around and sitting beside me, holding my hand.

I give a small smile and turn my head to look out the window.

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