06 : The Little Brown Paper Bag

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Anthony heard a knock on the door before he could respond or even finish reading what the other guys said

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Anthony heard a knock on the door before he could respond or even finish reading what the other guys said.

What an interesting night this was going to be...

They greeted each other with a big hug before making their way into his room. Surprisingly, the nervous feelings he had all night were now gone. His mind was clear, and his insecurities washed away. Like a wave of peace walked into the room with her. This felt much more comfortable than he imagined it would feel.

He watched as she walked around the room observing his living space for the weekend before plopping herself down on his bed with legs folded indian style. He sat next to her and turned the tv on, mainly for background noise.

"How was your night?" Aria asked. He put the remote down and laid down on his side, elbow propping his head up, to give Aria his full attention.

"It was good, it just got even better." Said Anthony. "I really want to take you to that restaurant somehow, someday.."

"Deal! I'll tell you what, the next time you come to play in San Diego, I'll come out here again, and we can go eat there."

"Alright bet, that sounds good. Are you from the area?"

They spent a good amount of time talking, where mostly Anthony asked questions trying to get to know her better. He learned she was from the Bay area, and currently lives in Palo Alto. She was currently going to school for Sports Medicine to become a physician but was unsure if that was really the route she still wanted to go. She was a bit of an entrepreneur in two different avenues. Her early passion for dancing and food kickstarted her drive for income through her own choreography and catering businesses. He was nothing short of impressed.

Listening to her speak, Anthony felt awful knowing how badly he originally misjudged her, although he knew better to judge someone by their looks. Aria honestly just fit the profile. She had so much spunk and personality behind her. She wasn't spoiled and worked hard for what she wanted. She was smart and motivated to do things with her life. She wasn't consumed by technology and social media. She valued friends and family more than anything.

The more she spoke, the more he felt enchanted by her. Her voice, her laugh, her smile sucked him into a trance he was sure he would never get sick of.

He could feel his phone vibrating consistently through his sweatpants pocket which he hoped she wouldn't notice. Strangely it stopped, for a good 5 minutes. Finally, the guys were occupied with their game night he thought to himself.

Suddenly a knock at his door.

The two looked at eachother with confused and semi-panicked faces, especially Anthony. There's only one person he was hoping wouldn't be behind that door, and that was mama Isabella. He checked his phone to make sure it wasn't her calling or texting. Thankfully the buzzes were from the guys. As he made his way to the door, praying it was one of them. He peeped through the hole and breathed a big sigh of relief to see Judge and Soto on the other side of the door.

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