Awards Page

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This page will be periodically updated if I win more awards and have more graphics to show off. 

By the way, anyone who wants to see a more comprehensive list of contests, including contests I did NOT win, can view my big book of contests: (copy and paste from an inline comment if you don't want to type that the hard way or scroll through my list of published books - you know the drill). 

I also keep track of contests in my Contest stack, which is the first stack on my profile. Until that stack maxes out at 200 books, I will not be removing contests that are closed, or contests I haven't even entered. So by all means, browse through and look for contests to enter, if you like. 

Most recent update: June 24, 2024 

Awards displayed will be both Wattpad awards and "real world" awards. I will make the source of each award clear on its page. The same goes for critical reviews.

 The same goes for critical reviews

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Ancilla's Awards and ReviewsWhere stories live. Discover now