The Gloria Regale Awards

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This was one of the very first contests I entered on Wattpad. Possibly it was the VERY  FIRST contest. It was sponsored by AdrielleReina, who is no longer on this platform - she migrated to Kerning in April. 

I entered in January, shortly after uploading Ancilla

I did not win or place. 

I did, however, get some useful and quite frankly, awesome criticism from HappyCoati.

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HappyCoati was the one who suggested that I categorize Ancilla as magical realism. I am not familiar with Jorge Luis Borges, Isabel Allende, or Gabriel Garcia Marquez (yet), but there are some other magical realism writers I've read - Mikhail Bulgakov (if you've never read The Master and Margarita, READ IT), Toni Morrison, and Neil Gaiman, the latter of whom is one of my literary idols. Idols can influence from afar. i don't think I was deliberately setting out to write magical realism, but if the label fits, I'll wear it proudly.

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