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Kira's POV

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Kira's POV

We're on our way to the academy now. "How do you feel about becoming a ninja here?" Iruka-sensei inquired. "Excited!" I responded softly.

He chuckled at my reply, and soon we arrived at the academy. "I'll go in first, and when I call you, you can join," he instructed, and I nodded in agreement.

As he entered, the classroom fell silent, contrasting the previous noise. Suddenly, a surge of chakra approached. I glanced to the side and spotted Naruto sprinting towards the door.

Before entering, he paused, eyeing me with confusion. "Who are you?" he questioned. "I'm a new student! Let's hope for a good start," I introduced myself, extending my hand.

Taken aback, Naruto stared momentarily before breaking into his signature grin and shaking my hand. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, believe it!" he proclaimed.

"I'm Uchida Kira, nice to meet you," I warmly replied with a smile. Naruto then joined the class, and I overheard Iruka-sensei reprimanding him for his tardiness.

"Attention, everyone. We have a new student waiting outside," Iruka-sensei announced. "You may come in," he called out to me.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the classroom, anticipating the myriad of questions awaiting me.


3rd POV

The class gasped when they saw me... why?

"Her eyes! They're so blue!" I heard someone exclaim. They're gray...

"Now, introduce yourself," sensei instructed, and I nodded in acknowledgment.

"My name is Uchida Kira, I'm 12 years old, nice to meet y'all," I introduced myself with a bow of respect. The boys cheered.

I'm older than all of you here...

"You can take a seat now," sensei directed before the lesson began. "Kira-san! You can sit beside me!" a boy offered, moving his friend aside.

I glanced around and noticed the Uchiha boy staring at me... I wonder why.

Naruto caught my eye, grinning widely. I smiled in return, noticing the empty seat next to him. I approached him, asking, "Can I sit here?" He paused for a moment, then beamed, "Of course, Kira-chan!" he exclaimed.


I sat next to Naruto and he grinned at me as I returned the smile. The boys growled at Naruto, causing him to shiver. I turned to the boys, glaring at them until they quieted down and returned to their seats.

Her Eyes || Naruto ffWhere stories live. Discover now