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Wren was revising her essay for chemistry when her bedroom door was thrown open. Scowling, she turned around to see Dustin. "What do you want?"

"No time to explain, just come with me!" Dustin grabbed Wren's arm and dragged her out of her room, ignoring her protests as he brought her downstairs. Mike was speaking with their mom, panic in his voice. "Mike! We need to leave right now."

"Will one of you tell me what's going on?" Wren frowned, looking between Mike and Dustin.

"If anyone asks where Wren and I are, we've left the country," Mike told their mom before rushing out of the kitchen, Dustin and Wren right behind him. They got Eleven from the basement and went out the back door. Wren saw their bikes laying on the grass. With a sigh, she hopped onto hers and pedaled after the others.

The four saw a group of men walking towards them, their eyes trained on Eleven. The kids and the adults stared at each other for a moment before Dustin shouted at them to go. The men rushed to their white vans, no doubt preparing to follow them.

What kind of trouble has Mike gotten him and his friends into? Wren wondered, pedaling as fast as she could to keep up. They cut through someone's yard and met up with Lucas. Just as Dustin was saying that he thought they lost them, the vans turned down the street. As they were pedaling away, another van appeared in front of them, blocking their path as it drove towards them.

The front suddenly smashed, almost like it had hit some invisible force. Wren's jaw dropped as it went flying, a freaked out, "What the hell?!" leaving her mouth before she could stop herself.

Some time later, they reached the junkyard. The bad men were left in their dust, and they seemed to be in the clear.

"Holy . . . Holy shit!" Dustin panted as they got off their bikes. "Did you see what she did to that van?"

"Eleven did that?" Wren frowned, gasping for air. "But . . . But she . . . She was on Mike's bike the entire time. She . . . She never even . . . How?"

"She has superpowers. She can move things with her mind," Dustin explained, and Wren's frown deepened. "Surely you must know about telekinesis, telepathy, and all that from all those books you read."

"Yes, but those are science fiction books," Wren stated. "They're not real powers that real people can have."

"Well, she does," Lucas said, motioning to Eleven. "And don't say anything about there not being any evidence, because the proof was right in front of your face when she threw that van."

"I don't . . . I don't understand." Wren's brows furrowed as she looked between the boys and Eleven. "Who were those people? Michael, are you wrapped up in something illegal? Is the government after you? Why did you get me involved?!" Her voice rose with each question. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas exchanged glances with each other before her brother stepped forward.

"You might want to sit down," he said. "What we're about to tell you is going to sound completely insane, and I promise you that no matter how made-up it sounds, it is one hundred percent true."

Mike, Dustin, and Lucas went on to tell her about how Will was stuck in an alternate dimension of Hawkins called the Upside Down. The only way to get there was through a rip in time and space, but there was a gate located inside of the Hawkins lab, where the bad people after Eleven came from.

Wren stared at the boys with her jaw dropped, a deep crease between her brows. "This . . . sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit. You're taking this Dungeons and Dragons thing to an entirely new level of crazy. There is no scientific explanation for anything you've just told me. You might as well be trying to justify why the earth is flat."

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