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Wren stayed in the gym with the other kids while they waited for Nancy and Jonathan. She kept her gaze on the door, bouncing her knee and chewing anxiously on her nail.

They should've been back by now. Why weren't they back by now?

It seemed as if she and Mike were having the same worries, because they both stood up at the same time and left the gym to see what was taking so long. They walked outside, only to be met with an empty parking lot.

Wren scoffed. "Most responsible older sister ever.".

They went back inside and told the others that Nancy and Jonathan were gone. Dustin said that they were probably sucking face somewhere. Wren gagged at the thought, but better Jonathan than Steve.

Eleven spoke up, and when Mike asked her if she knew where they went, she only had one response:


"You've got to be kidding me." Wren crossed her arms. "There is no such thing as a demogorgon. This isn't a game of Dungeons and Dragons."

"Believe whatever you want, but when the demogorgon comes to eat you, don't say we didn't warn you," Lucas snapped.

Wren shot him a dirty look before climbing up the bleachers. She took a tissue and some hand sanitizer out of her pocket, using that to wipe down a small area before curling up and shutting her eyes to try and get at least a little bit of sleep.

After what felt like only 2 minutes, she was shaken awake by Dustin. He held out his hand to her and said, "Come on, we're gonna go get some chocolate pudding to recharge El."

"Okay," Wren replied monotony, frowning. "Have fun."

"That means you're coming, too," Dustin clarified. "What do you think this hand is for?" He waved it in front of Wren's face, and she pushed it away.

"I can take care of myself." Wren stood up and followed the boys and Eleven out of the gymnasium and towards the cafeteria.

"Is this even legal?" she asked, her brows furrowing as Dustin grabbed tub after tub of chocolate pudding from the fridge in the kitchen.

"When there are no cops or teachers around, anything's legal," he stated, smiling. "Here." He handed her a tub of pudding. Wren shook her head, and Dustin shrugged. "Okay. More for me, then. Can you help carry?"

Wren grabbed as much of the pudding as she could hold. She and Dustin brought them out to the cafeteria, placing it down on the table for Eleven.

Just as Wren was about to ask where Mike went, he came running in and said that the bad guys had found them. Leaving the pudding behind, the five made a run for it. They were heading for a back door in the gym hallway, but that door swung open and the bad people entered. They turned and ran the other way, only to be blocked off by more.

"They're all over the place!" Wren exasperated, sighing as they ran down a different hallway, only to be stopped yet again. She froze when a woman with short blonde hair pointed a gun at them. "Lady, what is your problem? Are you gonna shoot us? Huh? You're gonna shoot a bunch of little kids? Well, guess what? We're friends with the chief, and he will mess...you...up!"

"Wren, stop talking!" Mike covered his twin sister's mouth. She grunted and shoved him away from her, grumbling not to touch her.

The bad people began to bleed from their eyes. Wren glanced at Eleven, who must've been using her powers. The adults then collapsed on the floor, dead.

"O-Okay, correction. We're friends with Eleven, and she will mess you up," she said to the lifeless body of the blonde woman.

Eleven suddenly collapsed, and the boys rushed to her. Mike shook her shoulder, shouting her name, but she didn't wake up.

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