Chapter 27 - Dorm Rooms Galore

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"So... can I get a dorm?"

You asked through the phone the next morning, having called your father. Denki agreed to come pick you up and help bring your few boxes back to the dorm rooms, thankfully. So, you'd already decided yourself that you were going to get a dorm, so no matter your father's reply, you'd already decided that you were going to be staying in the dorm building anyways.

Your father's deep exhale seemed to go on forever, as if carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. "Are you serious (Y/N)? This is highly unprofessional.. switching where you're staying after only a month?"

You were quick to reply, "A month?! What do you mean?! It's been like four!" you shot back.

Your father paused for a moment, not replying. You held the phone close to your ear with an angry expression, waiting for Denki to arrive.

Suddenly, the door opened without any warning, "Hey (Y/N)—" Denki cautiously entered your apartment, immediately sensing the palpable wave of anger emanating from your expression.

He awkwardly closed the door, letting out a nervous laugh. "I'll just.." he leaned forward to grab one of the various boxes sitting on your carpet that were ready to go.

"Do you know how much the apartment is for rent? Putting it back onto the market is going to be extremely difficult and such a long process.. Are you just being selfish? After everything I've done for you?" your father voiced through the other side of the phone.

You grit your teeth out of frustration, "I'm not being selfish! Everyone has a dorm room, and I feel like I'm the only one without one.. I know.. you worked hard to get this apartment and all, but we don't need to sell it or put it on the market—I can get a job to pay rent for it!" you improvised that last sentence, it just flowed right out of your mouth without thinking whatsoever.

You definitely knew you were going to regret that later on.

Denki walked back inside the house to grab another one of the boxes on the floor. He looked up as he picked up a box in amusement, trying to get some insight into you guys' conversation without trying to seem nosy. Even though he wasn't quite good at it.

"Really? A job, (Y/N)? And how will you be doing that at the same time as balancing school?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, scrunching up your face out of pure rage that he doubted your time management and abilities. Before you could say anything, he continued his babbling.

"Listen, (Y/N). I suppose what I'm trying to say is I don't understand why you would want a dorm room at school when you already have a huge apartment with a kitchen and everything to yourself; a place to truly focus without nuances and distractions. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Your expression dropped when he mentioned the last part.

Your father sighed again, "If you want a dorm room, then fine. But know that if this is off of an impulse decision, I'd despise to tell you that I told you so. I'm not opposed to this sudden.. decision of yours. So, I won't refute anything.. At least use the apartment every now and then is all I'm asking."

He seemed oddly calm about everything, which was surprising to you. He was actually going to let you stay in a dorm room? No yelling or real complaints?

Your facial muscles softened up, feeling relieved.

"Thank you, father.." you softly replied through the phone.

"Will you at least come by to visit so we can catch up, perhaps when you have time? It's been a while since we've had a proper conversation."

Your eyebrows lifted at his suggestion. This sudden change of heart he was having shocked you, especially him wanting to meet up with you to 'catch up'. It all just seemed so out of character for him, especially.

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