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Four days. It's been four days since Avyukta rushed like that. Neither he showed up at college nor did he come online on Instagram or WhatsApp. Yes I went there to text him but didn't.

I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to listen to him. I was... craving him. I was craving the comfort I used to feel in his presence. Above all I missed him so much.

I still haven't figured out how I'll be facing him. How I'll be dealing with those looks he'll give me.

My days have become less productive. I couldn't focus on studies. My notes, my reports, every assignment was pending still I didn't feel like completing them and preparing for upcoming exam.

I didn't know what has happened or what has changed. I found myself just lying there and thinking about only...him and the reason behind why he left like that.

I asked Rahul but he also didn't tell me anything. So I texted Avyukta asking how he was and why he was not showing up at college. Okay yes, you might think I'm crazy or I'm invading his life so much but I guess I should know.


Ten days passed the incident that happened at Rahul's place. Avyukta still didn't replied to my texts. He still didn't show up at college.

It was all because of me. Did I hurt him that bad? It is not even a question to ask. I denied what I actually feel. What can be more heart breaking than that? If it were something that was not there it would've worked but this is just so wrong.

What have I done?

But isn't it what I wanted at first? Why was I questioning things that happened as I planned? Even I didn't know the answer to this.


I sat up and tied my hair. After putting my books on my table I started studying. Not able to focus, I saw time and it was only an hour. I didn't know what was happening my mind wasn't concentrating on what was written there in books.

It just was missing him. Making my way towards window, I opened it and sat near it. Deja vu hit me when I saw sunset of late October. It's orange tint covered the sky just like the day when Avyukta showed me the sunset from his spot for the first time.

After that memory of the event day hit me when he asked me to grab something and bought me a burger from BD road, he also shared his wrap and fries with me that day.

Unable to handle all the feelings playing inside my mind on loop I decided to call him.

"Hii." I said as he picked up the call.

"Hello, you're Radhika right?" A female voice answered sending shivers down my spine.

"Y-yes I'm. Wh-" my question was cut off by her as she spoke

"OMG, I've heard a lot about you obviously from him. I want to meet you soo soo bad."

"Who are you? Do you know Avyukta?"

"Oh yess I know him so well." She said and a tear cascaded down my cheeks.

Is she the same she for whom he rushed that day? My heart was about to explode but she saved it by continuing.

" By the way, I'm Priti. Sorry for not introducing myself hehe. "

" Priti who? " I asked confused.

" Oh it's not good that he didn't tell you about me. But It's okay I'll tell you. I'm his elder brother Suyash's girlfriend." It ringed then, he told me about her.

After that she told me that Avyukta went home to shower and eat something. She then told me his mother had to get admitted in hospital because of anemia and it hit me then that he rushed because of her, that she was his mother or we can say his aunt.

Later that night when he texted me, a smile instantly came on my face.

We talked talked and talked on WhatsApp only, I was thanking God for making him text me because if it was a call I would be unable to talk properly.

We talked about his mother, I told him that I was mad at him for not telling me about his mother's condition and then he made me accept that I missed him.

He also said that he'd like to see what my kind of shock was so I decided to show him that.

It was late so I decided to call Rahul next day.

"Heyy, you have ten minutes to talk because you're interrupting my private time." He said picking up the call and I gasped as I heard a muffled sound from the other side.

"Don't tell me Jiya is with you."

"Yes she is and please come to the point you are interrupting us."

"Ew, I don't need images. I called to ask if you are free or not. Obviously not now, um after doing whatever you're doing."

"Yeah I'm free, why tho?"

" Okay how much time will it take to reach um... Delhi by your bike. "

"Hold on where?"


"Holy shit. I'll be there in three hours."

"You'll need three hours?"

"Yeah, any problem? "

"Huh no no, just don't tell him."

"Okay I won't."

After hanging up, I talked to mumma and told her the Delhi plan and that Rahul was taking me with him and I'll be safe. Yeah okay, I lied a little but I guess all is fair in love and war. Thankfully she didn't deny it because she trusted Rahul blindly with me.

They say you realise the value of something or someone after either losing it or when it's gone. And now I realised what it actually meant.

Now I'll show him what Radhika's shock worthy actually is.
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Also guys ik you want double updates but I'm really busy now that's why I can't promise to publish two chapters. I'll try to double update asap.
Happy reading cutie patooties ✨

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