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We ate rajma chaval made by her, watched movies and then slept after cuddling. It felt so wholesome to have her in my arms.

And the fact that she told me she made rajma chaval because they were my favourite was one of the most lovely part of the day.

Oh and she gave the wrapped box to me and said "you always buy flowers and chocolates for me so I bought this for you."

It contained magnetic heart necklaces for couples. She made me wear it and with her hand on her chin muttered " Now everyone will know that you're taken."

I liked that she wanted to tell everyone that I was committed to her.

Now she was curled up onto me like a baby koala and I wanted the time to stop. I want this moment to freeze her so that I can live in it forever.

The sight of her sleeping peacefully looking like a doll was a pure blessing to my eyes which I never wanted to unsee.

I reached for my phone to see the time and it was eight thirty. I freed my hand from beneath her and got up.

I strolled freely into her home as her mother isn't here and decided to make tea for my sleeping beauty.

I went to the kitchen and started making tea. After I was done I poured it in a cute looking cup which I assume is hers and turned to go into her room with tray in my hand.

My legs had to stop abruptly because there was someone in front of me.

Her mother. What the fuck.
She stood there with both hands on either side of her waist and her eyebrow arched. She stepped forward and grabbed the cup of tea and sat on four seater dining table.

" I assume this tea is for my daughter." She said and gestured me to sit. I nodded and quietly sat in her opposite direction.

" See if you are in this home, it means you really mean something to her. I knew there was something she was hiding from me and now I know what was the reason she forced me to stay at her Nana's place for a day."

" Anyways let's come to the point, I don't have any problem with your relationship, you guys are young and you should know what it feels like to be in love. But she has experienced one of the worst kind of childhood and then she was raised by a single mother and couldn't experience what it feels like to be loved by both parents. It was so hard for her. All I want to say is if you ever hurt my daughter, I won't hesitate to hurt you back with the double intensity."

"I know."

"You know?"

"Yes, I know everything about her past. You, her or anyone do not deserve anything like that and as a human being I'm so proud of you that you took a big step for your and her future." I saw Aunty Ji's expression softening.

"I understand your concerns about Radhika and I am myself asking you to hurt me back with the intensity that ten times greater than initial if I ever hurt her even by mistake. Though I'm sure you won't get a chance."

" Treat her like the princess she is, young boy." She said in an authorative tone.

" She may be a princess to you, but she's the queen in my eyes, she's my world and I'll treat her like that." I said and gave her a small smile.

"Hmm. What's your name by the way?" She asked finally putting the cup on the table.

"Avyukta Bharadwaj." I told her in the most normal and gentlemanly tone.

"You make nice tea, Avyukta. Just add a lil bit more ginger from next time. My daughter likes it." Then I saw her figure disappear into what I assume is her room.

I made tea again with a lil bit more ginger and took it to the room for her.


After that day my second year session started and we both got busy with our studies. We meet in the morning, then in break for lunch in canteen together which was always her bringing two food containers. One for her and other for me.

When I said she shouldn't worry about me she said

" if I won't then who will? Aunty ji probably thinks that you eat proper meals but you don't. Either you start having meals or I'm gonna tell her about it. "

My my little honey started threatening with maa's name in everything since they met again when maa came here. I mentally noted to keep her and my sweetheart mother away from each other.

Then after break we used to go home together mostly. Sometimes I used to drop her and sometimes she used to go by herself after spending sometime with me at my flat.

And by spending time I mean, me singing for her, her cooking for us, us watching movies together. The other day I read another diary entry and got to know that she used to play badminton when she was a kid. So I bought her a badminton kit too. We sometimes play badminton in the porch of my building.

Sometimes our movie sessions become never-ending kissing sessions but none of them take it any further because as much as I want all of her, I want her to be ready on her own, mentally and emotionally.

Now she's sitting on couch and I'm sitting on floor in front of her. She's on her periods and wasn't feeling good so I ordered some junk food for her as she says " all the girls crave junk food when they're on periods. "

In all this time we've spent together I've got to know her much more better and I love it sometimes that how I have become the only person she wants to be with, it makes my days better. I'll forever be grateful that she is with me.

After our food arrived, she literally attacked it and ate it like she was starving from days. I chuckled at her and let her have it.

All the while I was just looking— staring to be precise at her. Like how delicate and beautiful her features are, how cute she looked while eating, the relief on her face after taking a bite of her favourite burger and then there was this thing which made me feel like euphoriants were injected into my veins, that was how comfortable she became around me, how free she felt at my flat—no, home, now calling it flat have started to feel wrong because she made it a home with her presence. 
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