Chapter - 6

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Recap: Sharadha passes away and Sitara leave home, swearing to avenge her father and his family.


One week later:

Sitara stayed locked in the room for the next three days and later Kavya pushed her out to breathe some fresh air. Sitara realized her responsibilities and started finding a job for her but as usual Geetha ruined her chances. 

Geetha arrived at Kavya's apartment at night and Sitara ignored her and continued watching the show on the TV. Kavya looked at both Geetha and Sitara and nudged Sitara to look at Geetha. Sitara felt irritated and switched off the TV and snapped at Geetha.

Sitara: Why are you here ? Did your husband threw you out ? If yes go to some oldage home. Get out now.

Geetha: Did your granny take your brain with her when she was dead ?

Sitara: Dare you talk about my granny then I swear, I will kill you and burn you to ashes. 

Geetha: Stop it girl, I m here to remind you to talk to Avinash which you were supposed to do the day after your granny was dead.

Sitara: How cool you could be to come here and ask me to do that ? What made you think I will do that for you or your daughter ? 

Geetha: Ofcourse you will do that if you wanted a job to feed yourself rather than depending on your friend. I believe you have some shame and conscience to sit back home and eat at your friend's hardworked money.

Sitara: Even if she threw me out, I will go happily die rather than doing something in favour of you.

Geetha: Oh no, here I m waiting for you to revenge me but you are ready to join your mother and grandmother.

Sitara shut her eyes for a moment and quickly picked her mobile and dialed Arun's number on a speaker call which he answered immediately.

Arun: Sitara, I knew you would call me. Please come back home Sitara. I m sorry and I will do anything you want.

Sitara: If you are ready to do a favour then please do that to your so called wife. She is here testing out my patience and I m at the verging of losing it and might kill her any moment so you better call her back if you ever wanted to have someone as wife in your life.

Geetha clenched her fist and threw daggers at Sitara. 

Arun: Geetha, why did you go there ?

Geetha: I m here to call her back to home Arun. 

Sitara: Oh right, so how about you transfer all the properties to my name and I will come back and we could live as a family ?

Arun: Sure Sitara, please come back.

Geetha: Arun, are you out of mind ?

Sitara: See, this is your true color. Now get out or I will call the police and report that you were here trying to kill me. I might not have evidence for my granny's murder but I will sure get you locked up.

Arun: Geetha, get out of there this instant.

Sitara cut the call and cocked her brows with smirk. Geetha stomped on her foot and walked out while Sitara slammed shut behind her.

Kavya sighed in relief and slumped on the couch with Sitara beside her.

Kavya: What next ?

Sitara: I will find job at places where she will not have a say. Tomorrow I will return home as an employee for sure.

Kavya: Why don't you try in that Avinash's company ? Sure he hates Mini so he might offer you a job.

Sitara: That won't be good not because of Mini but we didn't have good encounter even before I knew he was the billionaire Avinash Vamsikrishna. Its good I haven't met him after my encounter at home when he was there to meet Mini.

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