Chapter - 15

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Story Suggestion: Hello Everyone, please do suppor the story "A Baker and A Billionaire " with your votes and comments. 

All the very best author AswiniAswini0


Recap: Sitara join Avinash in his business and they become the headline after Avinash welcome her with a kiss.


Sitara and Avinash looked at each other on hearing Sumanth and she sighed in annoyance to know that Mythili has arrived meet her. Avinash signalled Sumanth to leave and leaned forward to his desk propping his elbow on it and looked at Sitara who was seated opposite to him.

Avinash: Do you want to meet her or should I instruct the security to escort her and she will never step in the premises.

Sitara: I will meet her. Sure she must have watched the news and arrived here to throw obscenities at me. She might have come here warn me to let you go or even fix your marriage with her witch daughter. I will be back.

Avinash hummed and Sitara walked out of the room. Sumanth who had been waiting, followed her to the elevator and they arrived at the lobby. Mythili looked like a fireball ready to explode and as soon as she saw Sitara she strode towards her in rage but 2 guards stepped before Sitara holding a hand gun which made Mythili halt in her steps.

Mythili: Look at the little bird now with wings ? Aren't you ashamed to be a mistress to the man who is set to marry your half sister ?

Sitara: Who can explain the term mistress better than you when you are living example of it. I don't have time so just be quick on whatever you are here for.

Mythili: How dare you talk to me like that ? You better get out of this place and don't you dare to step here or around Avinash anytime.

Sumanth: Mrs.Prathap, watch your words. You will be sued for disrespecting our madam.

Mythili: I m the future mother in law of his sister and supposed to his mother in law too if not this bitch trapped him down.

Sitara: You always prove that you are just a mistress who knew only to trap men. Don't you know this place is under survelliance and anyone who is loyal to Avinash might leak a video of you here talking shit about his girlfriend. 

Sumanth: Madam, everyone is loyal to our boss here.

Mythili received a notification in her mobile and she saw it was from an unknown number. She opened it and saw a video clip of her threatening Sitara which she did a few seconds ago. Mythili looked around and gulped on seeing Avinash walking out of the elevator holding his mobile to his ear and his aura was scaring her and he seemed to threaten someone on the call.

He casually stood next to Sitara and wrapped his arm around her waist still on his call.

Avinash: This is my first gift I promised my girlfriend so I want this done at any cost. 5 in the evening is your deadline.

He cut the call and kissed her cheek ignoring Mythili as if she was invisible.

Sitara: Darling, I m hungry and craving for some ice cream too.

Avinash: What are we waiting for then ? Lets go beautiful.

Mythili: Avinash, you are insulting me. Your sister is set to be married to my son and she is in love with him. 

Avinash: What happens between you two family is none of my business. You should be at home and your husband might need you but I m not sure if you would stick with him in his worse time. 

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