Catching Up 🫂

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Rody finds a framed picture of what seems to be a short-haired girl in his boss's office, and he teases the other [and kinda finds "her" attractive] only to find out that was just Vincent in his college days, and then Rody asks him out in which Vincent teases him before walking out and placing a kiss on the other man's cheek, accepting the offer. (just an excuse to write about long-haired Vincent/ also to write a Rodicent date 🤷‍♀️)

I suddenly appreciate all the Wattpad and A03 authors who write like 18,000 words in one chapter, I can barely make a story with 1,000 😭
I like looking at my summaries from the past and they all sound like fever dreams..
Anyways I did continue my other story and will post chapter 3 soon, uhm I think that's all I gotta say for now! Thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter !! ^^

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