Revelation part 2 ch 3

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Revelation part 2 ch 3
At Bobbie's old house-Michael and Willow were playing with their children as Josslyn was getting ready to leave there was a knock on the door she opened it was Lucas."Uncle Lucas, come in "Josslyn said as Lucas came in," Uncle Lucas," Michael said as Lucas looked at Wiley he still missing him."I had to come after you told me what was going on with Carly "Thanks, How long are you staying "I got a job at the hospital so I can stay I just need a place to live you can stay with us" Alright, I'm glad that this house is available'Lucas said "Me too, I'm glad my mother keep it after her marriage from Jax didn't it's paid for and Grandmother lived her before "Yes, Me too I wish I could of stop it" No one could I try my best to save my mother, Monica was determined to get revenge "I understand why she was upset "Me too but it changed my relationship with her "Michael said as his cellphone rang it was Brooklyn."Brooklyn, Why would I want to come there" Michael asks as he hangs up the phone."Is everything alright "Yes, Why don't we get you settled in," Michael said "Alright, Amelia And Wiley look grown-up" Yes they are"

At The Quartermaine mansion- Brooklyn was in the foyer she had just hung up with Michael as AJ came in."AJ, I try to get Michael to come over but he won't "Where does he live? I'll go to him "Alright I'll take you, it was bad between Michael and Monica so he may need time" Alright, I heard you and Michael are close " Yes we are" Brooklyn said as Skye came by."What's going on" Skye asked "Brooklyn is going to take me to see Michael, Skye we will catch up later "Yes go be with your son, I need to be with my daughters Skye said AJ and Brooklyn left As Skye went back inside the living room."Skye, Where are Brooklyn and AJ" Monica asked "Brooklyn wants to show AJ around, girls we should go," Skye said "Yes I need to go check on my sons," Elizabeth said "Elizabeth, Thank you for bringing my son home" You're welcome "Elizabeth said

At Bobbie's old house-Michael and Lucas were talking."I'm sorry you were disinherited "It's not your fault I understand why Monica was angry with my parents but I don't understand why she was angry with me, "Michael said as the doorbell rang he went to open it was AJ and Brooklyn.'Dad, You're alive! Michael said

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