Revelation part 2 ch 11

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Revelation part 2 ch 11
At General Hospital- Lucas was working on Jason as Elizabeth came in."Dr.Jones do you need assistance Webber, Are you sure you can be here" Yes, I'm a professional, "Elizabeth said

Portia was in Drew's room working on him he was bleeding a lot ."This isn't good "Portia said

In the hallway- Scotty and Lucy were in the hallway waiting on news about Drew," I want to get to know Drew as my son but now this happened and I could lose another child to violence "Scotty said as the Quartermaine came in."Is there any word on Jason and Drew "Ned asked "No there isn't "Scotty said ."AJ, you're back "Lucy  said as Portia and Lucas came by."Do you have any word on Drew and Jason" Drew lost a lot of blood, He didn't make it I'm sorry "No! My son is gone! Scotty yelled "Jason is stable for now but that could change, "Lucas said "I want to see Jason" AJ said "Why "Ned asked "I want my face to be the last one he sees" AJ said he left.

In Drew's room -Drew was in the bed his body was going to be moved when Scotty came in."I wish we had time together "Scotty said

In the hallway- Sam came in with Emily and Lucy went by them ."Is Daddy okay "Emily asks as Sam looks at Lucy and knows what happened."Honey, I'm sorry your father is gone "Sam said "No! Emily yelled

Jason's room-Jason was in bed he wasn't feeling well he kept waking up and going back to sleep with AJ came in."AJ, you're alive" Yes! Now I will get a second chance with my son! AJ yelled as Jason flatline

In the hallway- The Quartermaine was stressed about this situation and Monica passed away as Carly and Michael came to run in."Any news on Drew and Jason "Drew is gone "Ned said "So is Jason" AJ said as he came by."No! You're alive and Jason isn't! Carly yelled "Why are you out of jail "It was an emergency, "Carly said as Portia came by."Jason gone "Portia said "No! Michael yelled

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