chapt 6- The Basement

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Alex pov

So when me and Linda went it the basement we saw I think playtime with a mask on her head why will she have a mask on her head and is someone controlling her?

Linda pulled me away from her when Playtime almost slammed the window she was stuck on

What it happening? Why is Playtime doing this? And where is Baldi did he killed y/n or she's the same is what happen to Playtime?

I guess me and Linda will find out because we tried to leave and it was shut down locked

No one's pov

Null looked in the cameras seeing Alex in the basement he got shocked how did he knew but didn't knew what to do so Baldi pulled him out of the place you got trapped then showing in the cameras what is happening right now

Baldi saw it and then got shocked thinking it was you who told them but remembering that he has you controlled but realized that he came here to save you then got a bit jealous about it didn't showed it though

"What should we do?" Baldi looked at the cameras to the basement

"I don't know come on let's free y/n."

"Why it's probably the reason why he's here."

"Yeah but we'll make sure that we have a recorder on her. Since she not as smart then I thought she will be."

"Uhh that might be the stupidest thing to do but it's not my fault if this plan works."

"Whatever like I care if Alex or either of her friends find out since almost every single one of them is so stupid within it."

"Well I don't think that's going to work out within it."

Baldi pointed out the camera making Null look and seeing Alex to Y/n where she was trapped then Null ragged then Baldi ran to go to Alex

Where Alex was at

"Hey look it's Y/n!" Linda said

Alex looked seeing you all sitting down in the chair

"Hey why is she sitting down? Also it's so cold how she isn't feeling anything from it." Alex wondered

"Uhm it's one of my those controlling things that make sure she is following orders in it."

"Now to be picky but how to do even know that?"

"I used to be working on collage engineering then I almost got controlled by one of them so that's why I dropped out it of collage then never came back within it ever again."

"But come on let's free her this is the reason why your here right?"

"Yeah come on. I think I saw a opening on the left."

"Alright then let's go."

When Alex and Linda went to the opening it find it locked in the code probably only Baldi and Null knows about it

Linda went tot look around for stuff that could open it Alex keep out for a look out of it after a while Linda find a crowbar going straight to the opening

"Ok come on let's try and let's see if it works. Because I think someone is coming soon but I'm not sure about it."

"Alright then let's be quick because Baldi or Null might come any minute but then we open that door."

"Your strong so try to do it first."

"Give me it." Linda gave Alex the crowbar then Alex went straight to the door where it was locked

When Alex tried to go it within minutes he gave up when Linda tried to do it someone was coming in footsteps

"Shhh someone is coming let's go here!" Alex said

"Wait wha-" Alex interrupted Linda by grabbing her to under the table by Baldi coming in

"Where is you Alex and that random girl! You know I'll find you now or later! But the time I'm taking the girl your the reason why your here for Alex!"

Baldi open the door you were trapped in grabbing you untied you as he walked out and carrying you at the same time locking the door where Alex and Linda are

When Baldi left Alex and Linda ran straight to the door then to find it locked from it

"Damn it. How the fuck can we get out of this place there's no food, water nothing."

"Come on we can't just stand here forever let's find something to use to get out of this place."

"Sure whatever come on."

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