chapt 12- Missing

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When you woke up being the first one awaken you didn't saw Baldi next to you or in the other side of the bunk bed so you got out of the bunk bed and started to look for him you couldn't find him anywhere thinking what is going on?

For a second you thought you were in a dream so you pinch yourself feeling that it did kinda've hurted your arm realizing that your not in a dream so you spend 20 minutes of searching the place finding no sign of Baldi so you couldn't do anything about it so you went back to where everyone was sleeping to find out that Leo wake up when you got back inside of the rooms

Leo noticed you then walked up to you being confused about why you were outside of the rooms

"Hey y/n why you were outside? It's like 7 or 8 in the morning go back to sleep."

"Well when I woke up and when I didn't saw Baldi in the bunked on the other side where he was sleeping he wasn't there so I'm thinking that someone took him away during the night when all of us were sleeping."

"You sure? Cause Baldi knows every inch of this place and in this collage so Baldi might be walking around somewhere. But I'll try to help you look I know all the good hiding spots where people can or could be."

"Ok thanks Leo."

"Yeah sure, come on let's go find Baldi I guess."

After 15 minutes when Leo tried to find Baldi with you there was no sign of anything that he was there so after 10 more minutes when Baldi wasn't found you and Leo got confused talking about it then deciding to tell everyone that Baldi is randomly missing

So when you walked in the rooms everyone was still asleep so after all of them woke up Leo and You went to go to the cafeteria to tell them what is going on

"Why we are here?" Linda asked

"Yeah, we need to be in the plan how to get out since Baldi knows everything in this collage place and in this place."

"Yeah about that...." You said

"When me and Y/n needed Baldi for something we uhm didn't find him and when we looked everywhere we still couldn't find him either so we are thinking that someone took him away from not letting us go within our plan."

"God fucking damn it!" Alex said

"Now what are we supposed to do? With Baldi kidnapped, no one else knows about this school."

"Hmmm I got it!"

"Linda, this is not the time to make up your randomly ass story's this is not the time!" Alex said

"Nah not that. Well when me and Alex went into this place the first time I remembered I saw a map where the bathroom was and where we will go into a classroom. So let's find that map and we will make sure that we Can know what we can or can't go."

"Good idea Linda. But where did you last seen the map so we can not waste more time to spilt off and stuff."

"Uhm follow me I know where it is."

Everyone followed Linda then when she picked up the map from the bathroom door she took a look at it

"Ok so this is where me and Alex came inside where the ruler was at in the collage cafeteria. This is where the basement was where we find y/n with those weird glasses. This is where Baldi's Office is which we can
just go up the ladder. And this is the cameras and the way where the entrance was it in the collage where y/n car was at and where Alex's car is at."

"Ok we have the map and all we need is some pillows and a blanket so me and Leo and go and get them." Alex said

"Ok then but hurry it looks like it like 11 something."
Linda said

"Yeah ok then will be back within 10 minutes I guess just stay here and don't move let's go Leo."

"Alright come on Alex."

20 minutes later Alex or Leo haven't came back but after 8 minutes they came back which they are running away from something you shrugged it off thinking they are running for to get back

But when they said "GO IN THE LADDER" everyone that was next to you got scared then started to you heard 2 people screaming when you got into Baldi's Office and thinking where is they other 2 you heard a person aggressively coming up so you shut it locking it as fast you could

"Where are we?"

"Looks like It's Baldi's Office. But what a second we have Linda, Leo and me where's Carson and Alex?"

"I think they didn't make it."

"Crap I hope they can make it out alive now you have the pillows and blankets Leo?"

"Yeah I do let's sleep close since we are losing people fast and we need to get out of this place."

"Alright then. But for now let's go and review of the plan we are gonna go so Linda what's your plan?"

"So since there's exits that we can go to we need to find a strategy to get out since Null is guarding the exits we need a distraction to it go Leo you are going to use a principle whistle to think that Null thinks that The Principle is here so me and Y/n will get you to the Faculty room since me and Alex saw a one room that the window was broken so we will pull your away and you make a other noise in the end of the of the hallway then that's when we will get out of this place and call they cops since Alex and Carson is missing."

"What about Micheal?"

"Well I don't know if he's alive so the cops will find him if he is alive or if he's not."

"But guys look there's a secret door in this lever." Leo pulled it down seeing dead body's off the Principal, Playtime and The Bully

There was stab marks of what happen but not seeing Michaels body in that room

"So if Micheal I'd not here that means he'd might be alive or escape or something but we need to get out as fast as possible since we can't stay in this place anymore and I think all of us need to go back home and take whatever it takes to get out of this place."

"Yeah let's just stay here for the not but definitely not going to stay in this freezer this crap is to cold and dead body's but I do feel bad that they died."

"Yeah even though I didn't even know them but let's just go to sleep there's a computer there and it's like 8 pm so we need to get someone sleep since that ladder took forever to climb back up." Linda said

"Alright then. Good night y'all." You said

"Good night." Linda and Leo said

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