chapt 27- Baldis Pov

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When I was about to go in the collage again I felt something in my pocket which was the note I wrote for Y/n so I decided to hand it to her since I might or will be dead when I'm done defeating Null and that random guy with that mask so when I hugged Y/n probably for the last time everyone hugged her and me as well and I went to hand her the letter I gave her

After a few seconds I went to the collage cafeteria so I can finish this once and for all no more holding back no more holding in my anger none of that all that matters is I kill this shit and I will be free from this place and will never go back here ever again

The second I went back to the collage I got my ruler out being ready for anything right now that's when Null started to throw tables and BSodas at me I could dodge them and can also just throw back at him when he throw me a plant unexpectedly I got my head banged so hard I started bleeding that's when Null came to me grabbed my head to make me look at him

"Baldi, Baldi, Baldi, your so weak. You could've just left this collage but noooo- BOO you decided to finish me off what a total dumbass you are as a teacher."

I got so mad that I threw him across the cafeteria making him run to me and that's when I saw Quinn and Nick stopping him then I started to beat him with my ruler hard after like 40 seconds later Nick threw him across the cafeteria making sure that he passed out then they went to go and sit down on the tables I didn't think much of it so that's when I sat down with them since they did promise me that they will help me if I capture that random guy or kill him

So when they looked at me I didn't knew what to do since I did kill them i was surprised when they said they choose to accept my apology what if did to them which was so stupid since I'm trying to be a better person so I decided to start talking it then since it was awkward around here

"Hey Nick and Quinn thanks for saving me back there. I would've been died if it want for you two." It was true what I did say but when I said that they looked at me for a while then they did said something out go it

"It's no problem we did had a deal out of it." Quinn said

"Yeah but speaking of which where is that guy and Null is still passed out within it." Nick said

Seconds later the guy that covered their mask tied to run to Baldi but someone hit him with a baseball bat making sure they passed out showing that they also wear a mask as well but when they took it off they saw Michael's face getting the person who he passed out

"Micheal? Weren't you dead??" Baldi questioned

"Well I almost did."

When Micheal said that I was all like I don't know what to do now since I thought that guy that's as covering the mask "was" Micheal but I was all wrong all the time I guess so I needed answers on how and what is happening around here

"Micheal can you please explain what the hell is going on here?!" Baldi said

"So when you left me to go and catch Y/n I was caught by someone which was this person. They wanted me to be in the control with them when I declined, they said "we will control Y/n then and Baldi they are more stronger and more quicker with situations." But when I got out of the place I decided to go and get revenge for this person."

"So you went under cover and try to get this guy caught?" Baldi questioned which made Micheal nodded then Baldi sighed looking at the person

"Well nice work. But who is behind the mask though I need to know who is it."

When Baldi went to the person who was knocked out when he took of the mask out of this person it turned out to be THE PRINCIPAL?! This made Nick and Quinn go to them as fast as they could then they made sure that the principle was trapped within a room

"Well thanks for helping Nick, Quinn and Micheal but I need to go and make things right for someone."

"You will come and visit right?" Quinn asked

"Of course I well. But for now I need to go and Micheal I'll drive you back to your place since you can't be here because your parents are probably worried about you."

"Ok then see you later Nick and Quinn."

They waved back as a goodbye after it Micheal was in Baldi's car which Micheal sat down in the drivers seat it was all silent in the drive way back then then Micheal drifted ti start a conversation within it

"So Baldi why did you have to stay in the collage in the past months when you worked there?"

Baldi sighed then looked at him seconds later he decided to tell him only a little of what happen

"Well Null wanted to do evil shit to students which made me crazy and showed the difference between me "good side" and my "evil side" which that shit it so stupid for me to say that." Baldi said

"So you didn't had a choose to stay three or even quit your job as a teacher?"

"No. Even though I couldn't leave, I just stayed there for money that's why I was mostly alone in my office."

"Damn feel sorry for ya."

"It's fine."

After few minutes of Baldi driving he went to Michaels house when Micheal gave him directions on how to go to his house when he got dropped off and went to his house Baldi drive off then went to his house feeling nice to be back in the house which had no one to wait for him which was normal for him

Seconds later he was writing a letter then went to someone's doorstep to place it there then left to go and take a nap on his bed when he arrived home

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