chapt 28- Coffee And Invited

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Your Pov

So after a few days of seeing that letter I decided to go and went to that coffee shop but ima just wear a plain blue old shirt I use to wear all the time and a gray sweatpants to go to match within it

I putted my head into a ponytail then ima go when it the clock hits to 3:00 PM since you used to go to that place for work before but not anymore since you had work on a fast food restaurant during it

While I was waiting to the clock to reach 3:00 I decided to watch TV for a little bit since I had nothing else to do with but I could've worked on my way to fix my room but I didn't want to because I'm lazy and work 5 days a week and get paid with 10 bucks a hour probably will get fired but that place has been treated me like shit other even the workers of course

The people who was my friends in the work were Camilo, Grace, Amber and William since everyone else in the work besides them will just ignore me or just try and get the job done so they can't even talk to me anymore because since I dated Sam shit started to go downhill but at-least the people who were my friends been there by my side and I thank them for it

When the clock reached 3:00 PM I went to my car and started driving where the Coffee place was at it took about 17 minutes to go to the Coffee place since it wasn't that far to go there and if I did went earlier I would've been early no maybe the person who did write me the letter might've not showed up so yeah

So much traffic can people learn how to drive right for once damn it but at-least I'll be there at 3:18 PM since the traffic was only for a few seconds since someone almost ran out of gas and almost got stuck there in the middle of the road I've would've felt sorry for them but I would've just drive past them

When the time reached 3:18 PM and when I started to pull up I didn't saw anyone there so I order an (your favorite drink order) then decided to wait here or I can just drink this, pay for it and leave but it will be a waste of time since it did told me to be at this place by it but you just waited there

After when it reached 3:20 I heard someone walking in but I didn't saw who it was since I was watching YouTube but when I heard someone sitting down at my seat I looked up and seeing Baldi?!

Bro not me thinking that he was dead but it's good his alive because I thought he would've been there forever or just died got me all surprised and shit

End of your pov

Baldi got a medium coffee then went to go and sit next to you by the time when he saw you on your phone he coughed so you can see that he was there after 5 minutes of you just being shocked and just looking at him it kinda made him uncomfortable but when the waitress gave him the coffee he thanked the waitress then decided to start a conversation with you

"Hey Y/n, how you been doing for a past week?" Baldi said awkwardly

"Sorry. I thought you were dead but I'm am good and you?"

"It's good, but I'm glad to hear it. I see you got my note and decided to come to this place and met me again. I'm glad that someone listen what was in the letter instead of the name."

"Yeah. But Baldi how did you find my address I've never told you." You questioned

Baldi looked at you then he pulled your driver license then hand it to you on your hand this made you uncomfortable and awkward

"I found it on the floor when we first met, I was gonna give it back to you the second when you were leaving and I was hugging you but I forgot and when I dropped someone off from their house I felt it in my pocket."

"Oh ok then. But thanks for giving it back to me, I didn't knew I lost it or even checked for it I was just running for my life when you were trying to kill me."

Baldi chucked for a bit then he smiled at you understand on what you meant you smiled back thinking to yourself am your in love? This is a grown man and I'm like almost 20?! In your heart tells you to like him but the other mind tells you that he doesn't deserve you but you decided to get to know him instead of just asking him

That's when you thought in your mind of Baldi's Diary is that way he wrote that on the last page on his Diary?

Well you putted 2 and 2 together realize that he was talking about your drivers license when he went to go and picked it up gosh how dumb can I be you thought to yourself

Baldi's Diary when he found your license

So when I was waiting for people since a few were gonna help me with some stuff do during it I saw a random girl walking in I had to tell him my name and when she said she was here for notebooks for Alex I gotten pissed but I find out that she was Alex's best friend during it she was kinda pretty and she looked like 18 years old

So when she went to go and get the first notebook for Alex I saw something fell from her pocket I went to go and pick it up and it told me her full name

(You full name) (btw he knew your name but not the rest)

Mmm she's athletic surprised but pretty chill going on within it so when I'm just going to act cool with inn and -

End of Baldi's Diary

Baldi looked at you then you looked at him back realized you were zoomed out then you laughed awkwardly since it got quite when you were thinking about those stuff to yourself

After a few minutes Baldi decide to break the silence to ask you something

"Hey Y/n, are you free on a Saturday?" Baldi asked that made you look at him then nodded for a yes

"Good. Because I wanted to invite you to go with camping with me and the rest of my students? The trip is free and I'm going to have to teach everyone who ever is going."

You thought about it for a while then you had nothing else to do so you decided to go with Baldi so you can spend some time with him

"I'd liked to go. But who is coming on the trip?"

"Uhm the people who I know who is coming are  Alex,Lynn, Evelyn and Micheal. But I don't know if Jennifer, Ellen, Trent, Tyler, Amber, Ethan and Jim are going to come."

You understand of what Baldi meant but know you've been camping before with your cousins so you decided to go with Baldi

"Ok I'll go I guess." You said when you did say that it made Baldi happy then nodded

"I'm glad that you are coming. Ok so be there at around 6:10 in the morning we are gonna leave around 6:15 so I can check who is going and the place is like 7-8 hours long so make sure pack some stuff you need."

"Ok, I got it. Thanks for Inviting me Baldi."

"No problem Y/n, it's at-least I can do. Now I should go now thanks for wanting to met here in this place." Baldi said

"Yeah it was nice talking to you again Baldi." You said that made Baldi hug you, you got it unexpectedly but you decide to hug him back it lasted for a little but he did letted go after that

When you guys left to go and go back to y'all house you were excited for it but knowing but camping is sometimes boring so you just hope and wish that this camping is not as boring when you went home you brushed your teeth then went to sleep since the camp place is in 2 days when you check your phone

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