chapt 24- Escaped

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Baldi made you follow him outside of the faculty then seeing Linda there you pretended that you putted her on the control making Alex and Carson to signal Leo to start in working it which he did started working on it

Seconds later Alex and Carson was guarding the door where Leo was in so he can keep on getting this plan to work out during it when he was half way done the mask guy was there which made Carson notice first and when Carson tapped on Alex's shoulders to make him to notice as well

So there was a light in the basement where Leo, Carson and Alex was at so you went down there so when that guy that was fighting Carson and Alex you went to go and sneak attack him punching him repeatedly on the face Baldi came in seconds later on grabbing him feeling his heart beat

"His fine. He is just out cold now we should call the cops for this so Carson call them, Y/n go and get Linda and Alex check to see if Leo is done so we can get out of this place during it."

After 29 minutes Null came in which made Alex to block the door during it but Null threw him to make sure that he will get out of the way you attacked him but he threw you to the floor hard when Leo heard what was happening he tried to hurry up but when Null was about to open the door he saw Baldi there which made me think about something

"Baldi.Baldi.Baldi. Did Y/n told you?" Baldi got confused when Null said that then he looked at you

"Y/n whats he talking about?" Baldi said

You looked at Null knowing what he is going to do you told him that to do not tell him but Null turned around to look at you

"Well I guess Y/n has not told you yet or what you're talking about. Hmmm Baldi did say he did "liked you" why is it so hard to tell him you like him back?"

When Null said that Baldi looked at you even Alex and Linda which they looked at you with confusing look on their faces

"Uhmm Y/n? What is Null talking about?" Alex questioned

Linda looked at Alex and Alex looked at Linda which a few seconds later she agreed with him and both of them looked at you weird and confused about it

"Y/n. Don't tell me you like this collage teacher." Linda said

You sighed trusting your gut to tell everyone that got curious about it then Carson looked at you then walked where Alex was at then taking a deep breath

"I do." When you said that everyone got shocked even Baldi

"Welp Baldi. I guess you will have someone instead of your ex-wife.."

When Null said that Baldi had enough of this crap that made him slap the shit out of him then getting Leo out do the room which Leo got done with everything when Null saw it he try to break the computer but you got Leo out of the way then all of y'all decide to make a run for it

Which made Null knowing what your doing which made him chase y'all during it you blocked the left exit and the enternece running as fast as you could but when everyone started to run out of breath this made you and Baldi noticed so you got Alex and Linda's hand to they can put get left behind and Baldi got Leo and Carson's hand so they won't be left behind as well when the right side of the exit was blocked when y'all went straight to the exit Null was guarding it so Leo throw his computer which made Null to after it which everyone made a run for it

Then you guys made it free then sighing in relief since this nightmare is so over and done to begin with a second later Null got the exit unblocked then Baldi had no choice he got his ruler out of this pocket then decided to fight Null off since running away will not work or anything

When Leo and Alex pushed him back into the collage cafeteria Baldi thought it will be the last of him so he turned around to look at everyone then sighing

"So you can have to go now since Null only wants me and I'll try to fight it off until my last breath or if I do make it." Baldi said

Everyone looked at him which you also look at him Baldi gave you a hug which you also hugged him back unexpectedly but the rest join in the hug as well

"Y/n and everyone if I don't make it you guys were the smartest and strongest people I've ever met before. And Y/n heres this letter." Baldi said

Baldi hand you a large letter which it fitted into the paragraph you looked at him Baldi got his ruler then went inside of the collage you didn't stopped him since you had to let him go and everyone went straight to their cars even you

When you went back to the house Alex and Linda came to visit you then you letted them in during it so when they sat down they looked at you in a calm matter somehow

"Y/n you need a lot of explaining to do to be honest." Alex said

"Yeah, since when you've liked Baldi?"

You sighed then looking at Alex and Linda decided to not tell them everything to tell them why you've liked Baldi for like a week ish during it

"I don't know to be honest. I just don't want to talk about it during the moment since Null randomly announced that to everyone during it."

"That's understandable, but what did Baldi gave you in the paper?" Linda said

"I don't know I was gonna find out myself."

"Well what are you waiting for open it!" Linda said

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