chapt 18- Betaryed

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When Null got mad Linda took Leo, Carson took Alex then you took the stuff seeing Baldi on the floor so you decided to take him with you to carry him on your shoulder running as fast as possible

Then when the rest got out you were running as fast as possible seeing the main exit blocked so you and go run seeing Null running to you yelling at you to give Baldi back to him you declined so you stated running as fast as possible when you got a cafeteria exit blocked you went to the left side exit then got it blocked so you had no choice to go to the right exit

Null came in-front of you making you fall over making Baldi waking up you got him running to the other way around to go got the exit but Null got it blocked laughing at you

He pushed you to the wall with Baldi making him waking up completely seeing you getting confused what is happening

"What the hell? What's happening? And why Null is here and y/n? What are you doing here?" Baldi asked

"It's a long story but now it's not the time!" You said

"Oh shit not Baldi awaken" Null said


"There's is no way out so good luck to escape from this hell." After that Null disappeared then Baldi sighed then turned around to look at you

"What is happening here!" Baldi said to you

I sighed then looked at him taking him to a random classroom to tell him what's going on here so he can know what he can do within it after 10 minutes of him telling everything Baldi got frustrated by it then punched a wall being all mad

"Are you fucking crazy!? That shit it going to blow up this fucking school killing everyone in it!? Oh my!"
Baldi was screaming at you then you got out of the classroom making Baldi follow you

You went back to Baldi's Office seeing a remote control in the office desk Baldi went to you to see what it was grabbing it running away you went with him

Then you got the remote then Baldi chase after you running fast and you also ran as fast you could until you ran out of breath tackled you out of nowhere trying to grab the remote

You got a ruler then Baldi hold on it tightly then you got as fast then Baldi threw you to the wall then you were bleeding from your nose then Baldi took the remote breaking the cafeteria exit getting out as fast as possible

When he ran out of the schoolhouse you were fainting then you felt someone dragging you away but you couldn't tell who was it

When Alex and Linda saw Baldi they ran up to him thinking you were behind him but to turn out that you were not behind him Linda ran to Baldi which made him drive away so Alex knew that you were in the school so he went to the car making Leo and Carson waking up

"Linda come with me, and Leo and Carson try to get y/n inside of the school me and Linda will be back also they way she almost escaped was by the cafeteria exit."Leo and Carson nodded then went to the cafeteria exit which made Alex and Linda drive away to go and get Baldi

When Baldi went to your house Alex quickly got off of the car running to him tackling him to stay off of your house and what was inside of it

"The fuck is wrong with you Baldi!" Alex yelled Baldi tried to get Alex off of him until Linda helped Alex to not make sure Baldi gets out so Baldi got mad bring aggressive then he calm down slowly randomly crying?

Alex got confused then letted him go which Linda did the same thing Baldi sighed as then cried for 10 minutes which got Alex and Linda confused on why he was crying and what made him to cry?

So after when Baldi was done crying he sighed knowing he can't go back to the collage so decided to tell them the truth so when he did after a 6 minutes telling Alex went straight to the car

"Linda stay here with Baldi Ima go back and insane y/n and Mr when you are feeling better go back to your collage and try to save y/n I gotta go!" Alex drove off then Linda sighed uncontrollably and not knowing what she should do

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