chapt 20- Back To The Collage

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When Linda, Alex and Baldi went inside of the collage they heard 3 people wondering around the place noticing you were in the Principles Office they decided to take a look on what is going on here when you turned around since you were controlled they noticed it then they went away to check up on Leo and Alex if they were alright

So when they heard a noise coming in the left side of the school so Alex and Baldi went to go and check seeing Leo in the controlled as you are also in the control as well

When they went back to go and get Linda she was fighting with Carson which he is also in the control as well so Baldi threw him which made him passed out out of anger Baldi has in his hand he went to Carson breaking the controlling things in this head making him passing out

So Baldi picked him up then Alex and Linda followed him which Baldi went to his office then putted down a blanket down for Carson then Alex and Linda went to go and sit down next to Baldi

"Sir? Your not that anger type a person?" Alex questioned Baldi looked at him with a weird stare but a few seconds later he responded

"Yes and No. But there's things that u can be rude and be nice at the same time during it." Baldi said

"I get it."

"Do you really?"


"Then you shouldn't say that you get what I'm talking about even though you don't. That shit is so messed up."

"Yeah my bad."

After 29 minutes Carson ended up waking up then seeing Alex, Linda and Baldi he looked around to stretch then seeing he was at Baldi's Office then looking at him

"Why am I here? Wasn't in that lab?"

"What lab?" Alex asked

"Well when me and Leo was trying to free Y/n since she got stuck on something when we were about to free her, a random person with a mask got us then Null putted me and Leo that controlling mask."

"Oh shit.."

"Hey what's wrong Baldi?"

"Before Null controlled me, one night I was telling Y/n something how I wasn't scared of him so last night I heard something so I went to go and check it out then someone knocked me out I think it was the person who controlled you as well."

"Well now what should we do? Both Leo and Y/n is strong enough to make sure that we can get controlled as well." Linda said

"Well Baldi you said you can't beat anyone with a ruler correct?"

"Uhh yeah? What does that have to do with me and with my ruler?"

"You can hit either Y/n or Leo in order to get them out of the control."

"Find whatever. I'll get Y/n first since she's the closest to get to first then I will do Alex since he will be wondering around in this place."

"Ok then but let's spend the night here since both of them know that we are here and will probably know that your also out of the control as well." Alex said

"Ok then I have a spare room other here and different beds with it." Baldi said after when he said that he pushed a button showed the beds where everyone  slept in before things went downhill

"Wait so all this time you could've heard us sleeping weirdo."

"Carson, it's soundproof so no I didn't and I'm even allowed in this office the second my job is done so how will I?"

"Fucking dumbass." Linda said

So the next day Baldi got his ruler out of his shelf off from his desk then everyone was waiting for him which they got sodas from the cafeteria being ready to launch it if you or Leo gets to close to one of an other

So when everyone left the office they heard a sound nearby

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