Baking is Messy

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Author's Note: You haven't seen Loki since he was drunk yesterday morning. What he did is eating you up inside. Does he actually have feelings for you?


You walk down the halls of the Asgardian palace, thinking about yesterday.

You haven't seen Loki or Thor since their little drunken mistake last morning.

Your head is spinning just thinking about what Loki did. He looked so strong when he was towering over you. And then he wanted all the lights out? And that word he said when you asked if he needed anything. Did he mumble the word "you"?

Your face flushes as you think about the way he touched your cheek, and when he pulled you close, how you wanted to go along with it but couldn't.

It's almost as if he were teasing at what could be.

There was no way in Odin's nine realms that you could ever end up with a prince.

He probably doesn't even remember.

You slap a hand over your mouth and look around, hoping no one heard what you accidentally said out loud.

You let your hand drop. No one heard.

Thor rounds the corner.

Aaryanna! Just the maiden I was looking for.

You laugh.

What do you need?

I have an assignment that I need help completing. My instructor thinks it's important that I learn to...

He stops talking.

To what?

Bake a cake.

Hmm, I guess that is important. Do you even know how to bake?

Not at all.

Oh my. Well, that's okay. I can teach you. I used to work in the kitchens when I was younger.

Great, thanks! I'm going to get Loki and we can all learn in a bit. Is that fine?

Sounds great. I'll meet you both in the kitchens.

Thor walks off. You walk in the direction of the kitchens, your thoughts drowning you in worries.

What if Loki does remember? What if he actually likes me? What if he doesn't?

You swallow what feels like a pit and walk into the kitchens.


You walk around to the shelves and gather all the bowls and utensils you'll need.

You set those down on the counter and go to get the flour, eggs, and other ingredients.

As you set those down on the counter, Thor and Loki walk in.

Your stomach drops. Loki is here. You try to push any and all thoughts away concerning Loki.

It's time to learn to bake!

Loki doesn't look amused.

Stop yelling, brother.

I'm not. So, Aaryanna, what do we do first?

They gather around the counter with you. Thor on one side of you and Loki on the other.

Well, first you should've gathered what you need, but I already did that.

Loki's Love for You (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now