Cuddles When Sick

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Author's Note: Loki is sick when the palace is attacked.

Warning slight gore and blood. But mostly cute fluff.


You walk down the hall, headed to Loki's room. You were informed that Loki needs extra assistance today, but weren't given any specifics.

You reach the door and turn the doorknob.


You open the door to see Loki propped up in bed by countless pillows. His face looks slightly green, and crumpled up tissues cover his bedside table.

You walk over to his bedside table, picking up all the trash out of habit.

(stuffy nose)
You don't have to do that.

Sorry, it's habit. Plus you'll never get better with all these germs lying around.

You take the tissues to the trash in the bathroom and wash your hands.

You walk back to Loki's bed. His eyes are closed so you assume he's sleeping.

You stand there, staring at his face. He looks so peaceful... and cute. His skin looks so soft.

I can feel you staring at me.

Your eyes widen as you stumble and look around the room, desperately trying to push away the awkwardness.

Loki opens his eyes and turns his head to face you.

Can you get me some tea?

Some tea? Yes. I'll be back.

You hurry out of the room.

Loki rolls over in his bed and reaches for another tissue, groaning in pain. Even his groan sounds stuffy.


You walk back in with a tray of tea. You look at Loki. Half of his face is stuffed into a pillow and his mouth hangs open.

You set the tray of tea down on his bedside table. It rattles, and Loki gasps, sitting up.

I'm so sorry! Here's that tea you wanted.

You put your hand on Loki's cheek, forcing him to lie back down.

Just go back to sleep. It's more important.

You lift your hand away, but Loki delicately grabs your wrist. He puts your hand back on his face and closes his eyes.

You stroke his cheek with your thumb, gazing at his peaceful face.

You move your hand up to his hair, gently moving strands of hair out of his face. His hair is really soft when he doesn't put any product in it.

Loki whines and sits up. Your hand drops to his chest.

Lie down.

You realize how soft his clothes are, and try to push all cute, cuddly thoughts out of your mind.

I really need that tea. My throat hurts.

You hand him the tea.

Thor bursts into the room. Once the door opens, you can hear alarms going off in the palace.

You stand up straight, wide-eyed. Loki groans and sips his tea.

We're under attack.


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