Chapter 2- Dreams came true

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My dad slowly grabbed my laptop, and clicked on the email, while I closed my eyes and covered my face while anxious thoughts were in my mind marching around in massive circles. After a while, they finished reading the email.
"Ok kiddo, you ready to hear what happened?" My dad said nervously.
"Tell me!! Please I just want to get this over with!"My dad then frowned. You didn't just get any role... he paused. Then, my whole family yelled in excitement, "YOU GOT THE MAIN ROLE!!!"
"I'm so proud of you Sadie!" My mom said with tears in her eyes.
"OMG!!" I quickly got up and jumped up and down with excitement. "FINALLY! I never thought this day would come!" I grabbed my laptop and read the email inside my head. It read,

Dear Sadie Davidson,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm thrilled to inform you that after careful consideration and many auditions, you've been selected to play the leading role of Lucy in our upcoming horror and thriller film, "The Dark." Your audition blew us away, and we believe you bring the perfect blend of talent and emotion to the character of Lucy. The filming will take place in Los Angeles, California, starting in six months. This gives you plenty of time to prepare and immerse yourself in the role. We'll provide you with the necessary shooting schedule, rehearsals, and any other information such as scene shooting locations, as we get closer to the production start date. Congratulations once again! We're so excited and we can't wait to see your interpretation of Lucy come to life on the big screen!

Warm regards,

Patrick Mells, Casting Director.

I still couldn't believe it. I finally got the role, my first big movie role ever. I never thought this day would come, ever. I then got up and hugged my family, because without their support, none of this would've been possible. None of it.
It was around summertime, June 4th. I had one more day until it was finally time to go to LA to film The Dark. I found out that I was going to be the main role 6 months ago, and I was thrilled beyond words. As I was sorting out my clothes and packing, I decided to call my best friend, Martha. "Hey Mar!" I said with excitement. "Are you going to miss me? I'm only going to be gone for like 3 years," I said in a playful way.
"Omg Sadie stop! You mean 3 months, right? Also of course I'm going to miss you. I'll probably go insane without you by my side. You're the SpongeBob to my Patrick."
I chucked over the phone and said, "Right just 3 months. Promise me you won't go insane and stay sane. I'll be the one going insane while acting out my character Lucy in this massive horror film." Martha said, "That's true though."
Martha and I talked for decades until we finally ended the call. As soon as we hung up, I heard a slight knock at the door. "Hello, Sadie? We need to talk."
It was my mom. She had a concerned look on her face, and my forehead was confused.
"What happened?" I said frowning.
My mom took a deep breath and said, "Due to constant fights with my boss, I didn't keep up with the deadlines of my assignments. So as of today, this unfortunately caused me to lose my job. I've gotten fired. So, your dad and I want you to get a regular job here in Utah, until we figure this out. You'll be gone for 3 months, and by that time we'll really be struggling financially."

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