New Friend

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No one's POV (still):

Huey and Louie could feel themselves hanging upside down and were pretty terrified think they are about to die "I'LL APOLOGIZE TO UNCLE SCROOGE FOR NAGGING HIM!!" Louie cried out then a voice spoke "wait- did you say 'Uncle' Scrooge?" "Uh, yes?.." Louie replied "OMG THE NEPHEWS!" someone clapped their hands and once dark void was now filled with light showing a girl in pink "Wait you know us?" Huey asked "Yea! Researching the McDucks is kinda my hobby!" "Uhhh-" the girl cut the rope and helped them up and started to asked questions "What's y'all's blood type? What's Donald like? Who's the evil twin?" "Louie" "Meh" "Who are you?" Huey asked "Oh! I'm Webby! My grandma is the housekeeper here." Huey and Louie looked at each other then back at webby but were returned with a flashing light "Ack!" A picture came of the Camera and Webby pinned it to a bored "Woah.."  Huey and Louie Duck! Great nephews of Scrooge McDuck!" Huey and Louie continued to look at the bored of their entire family tree "Prerty neat right?" "Yeah! This must took a lot of time of dedication and research!" Huey replied. Webby smiled and opened a vent in her room "If you want I can show you around!" "Sure!"

Scrooges POV:

Walking down the halls he could see the bored up room where the 'Incident' happened all those years ago, Scrooge face softened as he let out a sigh. He continued to walk to his office and sat down, he looked at the picture where Della, Donald and him stood near the eggs all happy. "I should have built that blasted-" a bang sound was made and he looked up and his vent was open and Webby looked out "Sorry Mister Scrooge!" "Why in the world are you in the blasted vents?" "Just showing your nephews around! We were just taking a short cut!" Webby jumped down with Huey and Louie following "I really need to change those vents."

Magicas POV:

After finally getting Dewey to do his bath putting him to sleep she continued with making the serum, it was almost done. Once it's done she will continue to train Dewey till he is 18 so she can defeat Scrooge. "Wait a minute, once Scrooge is defeated what will I do with that brat? Eh I'm sure I'll figure that out when that time comes" she closed the bottle of serum and puts it away before heading to her room.
No ones POV:

Donald finally returned and picked up Huey and Louie and put them in the car "Did you tell them anything?" "Nope, not a thing lase" Donald looked at him and got in the car and drove off "So boys, what did you do while at Uncle Scrooge place?" "We made a new friend! Her name is Webby!" "And she gave us these friend ship bracelets." "Well that's nice of her" "Can we go back to see her?" Donald thought about for a bit "Oh alright but don't cause trouble. But y'all can't go tomorrow because I'll be home early." Huey and Louie look at each other with smiles on their faces.

Dewey's POV:

When I heard my mom go to bed I immediately got up a and packed a bag of food and water and put on his blue amulet and a book headed out, he wanted to show his mom that he was strong enough and once he took down Scrooge and show her he is capable of doing magic! "Let's Dewey this!" As he ran off into the woods while the sunsets.

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