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No ones POV:

After making it back to the manor all 4 kids went to Webby's room to see if they can fix the amulet "This won't work! I thought fixing an amulet would be easier!" Louie said while looking for something else "Calm down Louie I'm sure we can help Dewey with his amulet! If we can that is.." Huey said with a nervous tone, Webby looked at Dewey and Dewey did not look good at all. It did really look like he was horrified about his amulet being broken "Dewey, it's gonna be ok! We can fix your amulet!" Webby tried to hug Dewey but he pushed her back. Webby was surprised, he usually let people hug him "Don't touch me, or get near me. I'll probably kill you." "What?-" "The amulet helped me control my magic and that's what prevented me from killing you when we first met.. I can't control my magic.." "Then we'll help you!" Huey walked up to Dewey "You don't need the amulet if you can learn how to control your magic!" "Yeah! If you do control your magic then you'll don't have to worry about hurting others!" Dewey looked at them with a surprised expression, he remembered saying something similar to Magica but she flat out refused that option and didn't really hear him out, but after hearing that he went into tears "Woah!? You ok man?" Louie went next to Huey as Dewey grabbed all of them into a hug "Yerp! I'm fine!" Dewey let them go and grabbed his broken amulet and put it in his bag "So! When do we start!?" "Hm... how about... now!" "Aw yeah!" Both Dewey and Webby ran out of the room to head outside while Huey and Louie sighed as they exited the room as well.

Lena's POV:

I waited for Magica to show up, he was 10 minutes late already! And she over here saying I'm the late one, looks who's talking. "Lena!" And looked and there she was "Sorry dear I was having a bit of a spa day, now tell me what you saw." "Well Dewey went to school, that's the first news." "Ugh school, full of useless stuff." "Second is that he went kinda crazy and his amulet broke.." "...What." "I said he went insane and broke his amulet" "Oh that is not good." "Why?" "Well his magic isn't natural I have him the magic and that has side effects, and that's one of them. If that keeps up then he'll be in a pool of darkness and will no longer obey me!" I looked at her with confusion still and he gave me a serious stare "You need to make sure that doesn't happen at all! I still need him for my plan!" "Ok chill out, god." "Don't fail me Lena, or you'll be back where you used to be." I nodded and she disappeared, I looked at my mirror and I knew I had to do this but I don't want to. I don't wanna go back there, I grabbed some stuff and headed out

No one's POV:

It's been a few hours since the kids started Dewey's magic training and of course, that haven't gone anywhere yet. "How long is that gonna take!?" "It could take a few years, magic is something that can't be tame so easily." Dewey groaned after Huey said that while Louie was watching the videos he took of their fails and was laughing "Come one guys! Watch these videos I took! They're hilarious!" Louie kept laughing "Louie, we need to focus! We won't get any where if you don't help!" "Yea yea, I'm just surprised he hasn't killed us yet." Dewey looked at Louie will frustration and got up "We can Dewey this guys! We just need a good start or something I don't know" "Kids! Come inside! Quick!" Donald yelled from inside and so they did come inside where Donald was at with Scrooge and Mrs. Beakly. "What are you children doing outside with all the ruckus and some damage to the manor!?" "Oh uh.." "We were helping to train Dewey with his magic!" "WEBBY!" "What?" "You kids are what!?" "Relax uncle Donald! He hasn't killed anyone! Yet-" "Oh this won't do, it isn't safe!" Scrooge grabbed Dewey and dragged him away from the others

Dewey's POV:

"Hey let me go! This isn't necessary!" "I'm sorry Sonny Jim but you are dangerous without that amulet! Deadly even!" "But I can learn! Please just give me a-" "No! We are going to find a way to fix that amulet of yours! For now it's best to keep you away from anyone so you don't kill them!" Scrooge took Dewey to his previous room from the first few days there and locked the door "Hey! Let me out! Scrooge!?" Of course no one answered nor opened the door, I felt frustrated. No one was willing to give me a chance! Not even my mom! The only ones are Webby, Huey and Louie, they believe in me. I immediately started to kick the door in hopes to open it but nothing. I gave up and sat in the bed in defeat. After a while I heard the door unlocked "Dewey!.." I looked and it was Webby and the twins "guy's?.." they came up to me and sat down "Theg may think you can't control your magic but we believe in you! Let's keep going!" "Yeah! We can prove them wrong!" "And I promise to not record the fails I promise" I looked at them and I could feel my anger subside "Yeah, let's do this!" "And Webby don't tell Uncle Donald, Uncle Scrooge or your granny about this, got it?" "Oh yeah, sorry.." "it's fine, we can still keep going!" All of us went behind the bed and started to plan out on what we need to do.

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