Discussion, Discussions and learning??

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Scrooge's POV:

After what Donald told me what happened yesterday I knew we needed to have a family meeting about this. Me, Donald and Beakly were in my office about this matter. "Alright you two, there is something wrong with third one" "Dewey sir." "Yeah, and we need to figure this out fast as we can before it gets any worse! I think it's best for him to stay in the manor till further notice." "But Uncle Scrooge! He likes to spend time with the other kids! Huey's and Louie are going back to school tomorrow and Webby will probably be training with Beakly! He'll be all alone!" "I'm going to have to agree with Donald on this one sir, we can't leave him alone that's when things get serious when he's alone!" "He's not going to be alone! I already put him in the school where the other two are going, including Webby." "Sir!-" "Settle down Beakly, Webby will be to protect Dewey and the other two if anything goes south, plus I think she'll will be happy with this anyways"  Beakly gave me a pissed off stare "Donald you go tell the kids the news while I get important business done." Donald and Beakly walked out of the room while I still sat on my chair, wondering this is even a good idea.

No one's POV:

Donald made his way to the kids while they were playing a game outside, he didn't want Dewey to go to School yet. He's pretty sure that Magica hasn't taught him anything not even basic math or writing skills. Donald made it outside where the kids were at and called them over, once they did Donald spilled the beans "Kids, Scrooge in rolled both Dewey and Webby in your school" "Really!?" "Yes so tomorrow they will be with you, so make sure that your brother doesn't get himself into any trouble including Webby" "Yes Uncle Donald!" Both Huey and Louie were running around with joy while Webby looked like she was about to explode Dewey was just confused "Wait what? What the heck is 'School'?" "It's a place you learn things for the future! When you're becoming an adult!" Webby shouted with clear joy and excitement while Huey and Louie were still running around screaming. Donald grabbed Dewey and pull him aside "Ok Dewey, I'm gonna let you keep your amulet but only use it when it's necessary. Webby and your brothers will keep you safe at school. I just hope Scrooge requested for all of yall to be in the same classes.." "Oh amulet doesn't contain any magic, it just helps me control whatever magic I have. I could have killed Webby without the amulet." Ok now that made Donald feel and think this IS a bad idea. "Ok ok, just don't take it off, I don't want having dead kids in that school" "Sure think mister Donald!" Dewey ran back to the other kids 'Mister Donald'.. that made Donald's heart ache a bit, one of his little nephews don't call him 'Uncle' but he couldn't blame him, he was raised by an enemy. Donald walked back inside while the kids were talking about the matter.

Louie's POV:

Huey was talking about out School to Dewey and Webby and about how's it's like there "Oh and be careful of bullies, they will pick on you and do anything in their power to get you into something. Me and Louie have a bully but we will make sure you two don't become his next targets." "I can handle them Huey! No one picks my friends!" Webby said has she clenched her fist, Dewey was kinda getting interested in this 'School' thing it sounded somewhat fun. "Uh Huey, how are we gonna make sure our bully doesn't pick on Dewey? Look at his eye, he'll definitely get pick on for that." I said while pointing at Dewey's left eye "Oh.. right.." Huey tried thinking of something "Guy's it'll be fine, my eye isn't that big of a deal." "It's literally like Magica's eye" I said while Dewey rolled his eyes. "Louie listen I'll think of something, maybe Webby can protect him from our bully!" "That includes you two!" Webby shouted "Plus Dewey will be near us at all times!" I raised an eyebrow, even with that Dewey will be alone at some point like going to the restroom or something. Now I feel like Huey, having to protect the sibling but I'm the younger one having to make sure my middle brother was kept safe. "Would we have to bring school lunch money or will we bring our own?" I asked Huey "Well since we have been bringing our own lunch we will continue doing that." "That means we have to buy 2 more lunch boxes, for Webby and Dewey." "Oh yeah, I'll asked Donald about that" "No need to, I already have that covered." All of us turned and it Beakly.

No one's POV:

"Hi granny!" "Hello Webby darling, I over heard your conversation. Luckily I was in the store earlier and brought lunch boxes. Beakly passed all the kids their new lunch boxes "Wait, me and Louie already have one." "I saw them and they look old so I brought you two new ones." "Wow, thanks you Mrs. Beakly!" Huey said with a smile "No problem, oh and here are some new backpacks." Beakly handed all of them school stuff like the backpacks and some books and pencil along with pens. Huey and happy about it, he knew Uncle Donald struggled to get them stuff like that so this really helps uncle Donald a lot with his money savings. As the kids went inside Beakly continued to get the stuff out of the car, she still thought Webby going to school was not a good idea but she knew Webby needed interaction with other kids and needed to make more friends. She can just hope for the best.

Webby's POV:

After getting her School stuff next to her drawer she went to the board of the McDuck family, she took out a picture she managed to get will all three boys and replaced the picture of Huey and Louie and the new picture was now in its place. "Now that's better." She put the previous picture in a box and put the box back and she went to the boys room "You guys excited for tomorrow!?" "AH- Webby! You need to stop doing that! I might jump out of my hoodie!" Louie said "Oh my bad, I'm just really excited! I'm actually going to see a classroom and the food that the kids throw on the ceiling to see if it sticks" she eyes turned big with excitement "How about you calm down? Deep breath?" Huey said while walking up to them. "I can't! It's completely took my mind Huey!" The three kids were just chatting there while Dewey was in the bathroom, he kept looking at himself and his amulet in the mirror, he started to wonder about his true magical power extent, how strong could his magic truly be for this amulet to control? And he was started to get more and more curious about the figure and the dream he kept getting about that figure. He shook his head and walked out the bathroom and Webby grabbed him and pulled him into a hug "and me and Dewey are going to make sure that bully doesn't mess with us!" "Wait what?" "You have magic abilities! That can scare off their bully!" "I don't know Webby, that magic can be pretty dangerous if I just use it without thinking or propose. That's practically magic abuse if you ask me." "Oh, maybe as a warning?" Dewey shrugged and Webby headed to the door "Well I'm gonna go now, remember to stay excited for tomorrow!" Webby said as she ran out "So since both of you are going to school with me and Louie I guess I can maybe teach you some things because the big day." Huey grabbed an old notebook that he didn't get the chance to use and handed to Dewey "Ok I want to see if you can do some basic math, readings and writing!" Louie sat next to Huey while Huey told Dewey questions "Ok so what is 5 + 15"? Dewey didn't answer "Dewey?" Yet again no answer and huey started to get nervous "Dewey- please tell me Magica taught you math?" "... No?" "Reading?" "She did teach me that" "What about writing?" "Uhhhh.." "Oh my god- what has Magica done with you and your education?" "Relax Hurford! We can teach Dewey the writing part and then the math part tomorrow! It's already 8pm so it's better to each him how to write." Huey did a nervous sigh "Ok! We can do this! We can teach Dewey how to write before tomorrow!" Huey grabbed a pencil from his bag and gave it to Dewey and took out a sharpener "Ok Dewey we are going to start with the basics!" All three boys start their lesson in hopes they can get somewhere in this.

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