Busy day ahead

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No one's POV:

The morning arrived and as the sunlight hit everything it touched it eventually hit the triples room, Huey woke up then Louie and lastly Dewey. "Aw man.. it's morning already?.." Louie groaned as he used to the pillow as a shield from the sunlight, Dewey looked out the window and at the sunrise. "The sunrise can be a nice thing you know?" Dewey looked at Louie. "Well let's go the kitchen, I'm pretty sure the others are awake already." Dewey ran out of the room while Huey dragged Louie out of bed and into the kitchen. Once they got there they saw Mrs.Beakly, she was already making breakfast. "Where is everyone else?" "I've already woken them up, they should be on their way." Beakly said as he finished up breakfast, all three boys went to the table as Scrooge walked in "You boys already awake? I expected you to wake up later." "Huey made us wake up, mostly me." Louie said as he played with a spoon. Webby came to the table in excitement "I got the day planned!! And I got Lena to join!" "Who?" "A new friend we made!" She told Scrooge and took out a paper and unfolded it and it showed a whole schedule Huey looked pleased at the paper while the other two weren't, they hate schedules. "Ok, after breakfast we are gonna go back to the beach to meet up with Lena then are gonna go to the carnival that is being hosted in town! And we are gonna get milkshakes!!" Webby kept talking about her schedule he planned and Huey, Dewey and Louie listened after when Webby finished someone spoke "Then I'm going with y'all!" All four looked and it was Donald "Uncle Donald?" "I'm gonna be going with y'all in make sure you guys don't get lost or hurt in any way." Huey and Louie groaned as Webby and Dewey didn't really mind with Donald coming. After they finished breakfast they got ready and were ready to head out. Donald took a while but he can out with a mute bag "Uhhh, Uncle Donald? What's in the bag?" "First said kits, water, snacks, a map of Duck burg for you guys and walkie talkies so we are apart we have a way of communication." "Isn't this a bit too much?" "No." Uncle Donald gave each kid a walkie talkie and put the rest of the stuff in the car "Alright kids, get in the car!" The kids got in the car and Donald drove off. Scrooge was looking and the window with Beakly "20 bucks that he loses one of the kids" Scrooge told Beakly "60 if he loses 2 of them" Beakly responded back.

Lena's POV:

I was already at the carnival waiting for Webby and her friends including Dewey. She still feels guilty about having to watch him. He didn't really deserve to be part of whatever Magica had planned but there was nothing she could do. "Lena!!" I looked to my left and I was pounced on by Webby "You're already here!" I looked and her friends were there and an adult? "Who's that?" "That's mister Donald, the triples Uncle" great, my guilt now has increased after hearing that. Donald gave me a walkie talkie "Uh, what's this for?" "Communication purposes if we get separated" he said. He was holding the boys hands, like they were 5 year olds. I got Webby off of me and stood up "So where to next?" "The games of course!" Webby ran off while Donald was catching up with her with the boys in toe, I also ran after them. Today was going to be interesting to say the least..

Donald's POV:

I finally caught up with Webby as she took Dewey to the game area, of course she started with one that looked not kid friendly, guns and shooting things like other people "Oh boy.." I felt Huey and Louie's hand slip out of my grasp as they walked around the place, Lena was behind me. "So how are you gonna get these kids back to your place?" "I'll pay you 15 bucks if you help me." "Done deal." I looked and I could see Dewey was having fun with the game he was playing with Webby, looks like they are having friendly competition while Huey and Louie were trying to beat a guitar game but were not really doing great, Lena was sipping her drink while looking at Webby and Dewey. He just prayed that nothing would happen.

No one's POV:

After dealing with Webby's carnival plan with every limb intact and somehow not losing Dewey or Webby next was Milkshakes, they made their way to the ice cream shop and the lady there was surprised to see Donald "Donald! I haven't seen you in a long while! I can see you brought your nephews, and 3 other gremlins." "I'm Webby! And that's Lena, and the missing triple Dewey!" Dewey and a nervous chuckle "Oh no wonder! I remember seeing three eggs when your uncle use to come here!" The lady laughed and went to the ice cream "Chose what you want my treat!" "You sure?" Donald said with surprise "Why not? You are watching these kids with no help. That's something worth a little reward." Lena was about to say something but Donald stopped her, she could tell he wanted to get the free milkshakes. Huey, Louie, Webby already picked their flavors while Donald was helping Dewey with his. The rest of the kids got their milkshakes while Dewey didn't even pick one yet, he was a bit overwhelmed with all the flavors to choose from. The lady could tell and said to him "How about Vanilla Blueberry? It's the underrated one." She said and winked at him, Dewey nodded and Donald chose his flavor. Once Dewey and Donald got their shakes they sat down, all the kids were enjoying themselves especially Dewey, he drank his shake quickly without getting brain freeze somehow "Did you like your first milkshake?" Huey asked Dewey "Yeah! It was cold but sweet and tasty!" After spending some time there they went to to next activity that Webby planned, Dewey stopped and looked at a dark alleyway that caught his interest. The others left without realizing he was behind them. He let his curiosity take the best of him and went inside the alleyway.

Dewey's POV:

After entering the dark alleyway he walked around, it didn't really smell bad or anything suspicious. He continued his way into the alleyway and saw a dark puddle, it was just dirty water and he decided to splash the puddle without hesitation but then he heard laughter. He froze, he heard this laugh in his dream. He looked and the same black gooey figure was there, with its blue eyes that glowed like a lantern was placed in there. Dewey could feel himself getting stiff. He wanted to run but his body wasn't moving not even an inch. The figure came closer and closer while Dewey was panicking he didn't want to die here! He still wanted to eat and do more things with his friends! The figure was now in front of him with a smile of joy, not the good kind either. It started to do something, its eye now looked like Dewey's left eye but it was still glowing "What do you want!?" Dewey shouted out "..." "Answer me!" "..." he was about accept his fate still it finally spoke "...Let me in, you can't escape the feelings you truly feel." It smirked, that was the last thing Dewey saw before blacking out.

No one's POV:

We and the others looked for Dewey everywhere, Donald was freaking out while Webby was trying to comfort him in this whole situation. Lena was helping us look for Dewey "Ugh! Where could he have gone!?" Louie said as he kicked a can of pep "Maybe we can head back the ice cream shop! We need to retrace our steps!" Me and Louie went back to where we came from while the others stayed. We passed buildings and looked in the alleyways. Nothing. Then we got to the third alleyway that was near the ice cream shop, we entered expecting to find nothing, but we did. It was Dewey! "Dewey!" Both twins ran up him and tried to wake him up but to no avail. They used their walkie talkies to get uncle Donald and once he hit their he grabbed Dewey's the rest and put them in the car. After that they were back at the manor. Webby was worried for Dewey, he was doing fine till now. Lena gotten permission to stay for the night from Scrooge and Mrs. Beakly. "When do you think he'll wake up?" "I don't know, we can just wait." Huey placed Dewey's head on his shoulder while he read his book. "Did the shake kill him?" Louie asked "What- no! We don't know what happened!" Huey said in an upset tone. Webby went in the boys room with Lena and sleeping bags "We are spending the night here!" "Why?" "I'm worried about Dewey. So is Lena!" "Yeah.." Lena said quietly. They joined the boys while Louie took out his phone "Then let's keep ourselves entertained." After an hour Dewey finally woke up "W-what happened?.." "You passed out" Lena said. She was the only one awake, the others went in their slumber. "Oh, then I'm going back to sleep then." Dewey tried but failed. "How about we watch something together? Louie let me borrow his phone, mines dead." Dewey sat next to Lena as they spend whatever energy they had to see what the internet had to offer for the night

(LOOOOOOONNNNGGGG chapter here! lol)

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