Finally seeing truth

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No one's POV:

It's been nearly two weeks since Dewey was in the separate room, he still went to school but he had an adult with him for most of the day except for lunch and after school. Everyone could tell he didn't like it let alone enjoyed it but he had to deal with it. The kids were walking in the manor after returning from school and could hear voices and a female one? They immediately went to where the dining room is and started to eves-drop "So you're telling me that one of my kids has been raised by MAGICA DE SPELL!? IS THAT WHAT HAPPENED AFTER I LEFT AND GOT TRAPPED ON THE MOON!?" "-sigh-... yes, but calm down! The kids might return from school and they can't be hearing this!" "I still need to give you a piece of my mind-" "Uncle Donald?.." all the adults looked and all kids were now in the dining room, the strange women looked at the boys with eyes that showed shock and she slowly walked up to them, once she got close enough tears formed "Who's that?" "Huey, Dewey, Louie. Meet Della Duck, your mother.." The boys looked at uncle Donald and he nodded, Huey was the first to walked up to Della "... Mom?.." "Yes!.. that's me! You look completely different than what I imagined!.." then Louie went to Della and she could tell he was still unsure about her. She looked up and saw the third brother, Dewey didn't want to get near her. He kept think about Magica and he kept telling himself that she is his mom. Della tried to get near him but he backed up behind Webby "Dewey! That's your mom!" Della got close to Webby and Dewey and Webby got out of the way and Della got to his height "Listen... I know that you've been raised by someone completely different and you might still consider her your mom.. but give me a chance!.." Dewey just stared at her and was hesitant about it but knew this could help him to get more weakness for Magica. "..Ok." Della did a soft smile as she grabbed the other two boys and gave all of them a hug, Webby was obviously crying "My heart! It's too full!!" "Is she ok?-" "Yea she's fine"

Huey's POV:

To think our mom would return like that! And after hearing she's been stuck on the moon for the past decade!? I'm wondering how she survived up there with no air, food or water. Louie is still hesitant about her but I know we can get through it but Dewey.. I don't if he can grasp it. I'm pretty sure he still views Magica as his mom but we can try with him. I went outside to just let some fresh air in my lungs when I heard chatter? I looked and saw Lena! With a women? "Remember! Don't get caught! Tell Dewey that I sent you and tell him that Scrooge's family is trying to weaken him and me!" "Calm down! I know what to tell him and I've been here a couple of times. I gotta worry about pink she literally can follow me without me realizing it's too late." "Well I'm leaving this up to you now." The women just disappeared! "Well bye 'aunt' Magica" AUNT MAGICA!? that has to be Dewey's 'mom' and Lena is working with her!? I need to tell the others NOW. I immediately went inside to tell the others what I saw, but maybe the adults can know what to do! They'll believe me more than my brothers or Webby. "Uncle Scrooge! Uncle Donald! Mom!" "What's wrong jet?- no Huey! I gotta work on that.." "I saw Lena! And I think I saw her with Magica!" "WHAT!?"

Dewey's POV:

I was just roaming around the halls on the manor when I heard a shout coming from one of the rooms at then end of the hallway, I decided to over hear on what's going on "Please tell me you're lying! You saw Magica!?" "Yes! I did with Lena!" Mom! Is she trying to get me or at least see me!? "And she wanted Lena to tell Dewey something! In PERSON" "Oh heck no! That woman is not getting near my kid! Especially when she practically kidnapped him!!" "Calm down Della! I'll get Beakly to put the manor on lock down and I'll call Donald!" I just stood there, trying to not make a sound but hearing them say I was 'kidnapped' by my own mother!? Please! That sounds like a lie in a book or something. "Wait! What about Dewey?" "You and your brother will be near him at all times! Including Webby. Della will stick by all you for the time being" I heard enough and decided to walk out of the manor into the backyard and I looked for Lena but to no luck, then I heard something above me and I looked, Lena! "Lena! Down here!" "Dewey!? You were outside the whole time!?" "No I just walked here." Lena came down and faced me "I heard my mom went to tell you something! What did she say!?" Lena looked at me with pity or something "I can't do this anymore! Dewey I'm going to tell you have Magica said but I'll tell you something!" "Ok?.." "Magica said to not fall for anything of the McDucks say they are 'trying' to make you weak along with her. But that is a lie" "What do you mean?"

Lena's POV:

I know it gonna be hard to tell him this but I can't keep going like this! "Dewey what your family the McDucks are saying are true! Magica isn't your mom! She kidnapped you! And I'm the one to blame.." I could see Dewey trying to refuse this truth but I knew that deep down he knew it was true. "If I didn't help her escape from the dime you would have a normal life. And I'm responsible to making you lose that.." I was about to leave the place till I felt a tight hug, it was Dewey as tears were in his eyes. I hugged him back we stayed like that till we heard a shout "Get away from my kid! Because I'm pretty sure you're Lena!" The women came up to us but Dewey didn't let go of me and said "It's not her fault.." I looked at Dewey with surprise while the women looked surprised as well. I managed to let Dewey go and I left the property

Della's POV:

After seeing the girl leave I grabbed Dewey and brought him inside, he was wiping away whatever tears were left as I took him to his room. "You doing ok buddy?" "No.." I put him on his bed and looked around for anything that could maybe cheer him up. "Oh! Do you like plushies or something related like that?" "I guess I have a cat looking thing on my bed back at 'home'.." "Wait here! I'll be back!" I left the room and went to the garage and grabbed something and went back to the room "Here! They are kinda old but still in good shape!" I have Dewey a plane like plush "I don't know if it'll help you but it help me when I was upset." I gave him a light hug before leaving the room.

Dewey's POV:

I looked at the plush that my real mom gave me, I stayed like that for a while before laying down on the bed. I hugged the plush and just stared at the ceiling just trying to think on how to approach Magica after hearing Lena telling him the same thing like the rest. I guess I finally swallowed the pill of truth huh? I could feel myself falling asleep. I guess I can try finding my place here in the manor and the family, but I don't know if I do belong to be honest.

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