Chapter 10 - In Due Time

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My body ached.

From my head to my toes hurt. I groaned as Savi pulled my shirt across my arms.


    "My Lord?"

    "Have Sir Vlakd know that I shall not attend my archery lesson during the day as planned. I am much too sore from the lesson before." I instructed him.

    "Yes, my Lord. But I need not for the Queen, our Luna, has already made it known to him that you would be absent from your lessons."

I looked at Savi with surprise. Not that I suspected he told lies, but I was filled with wonder as to why Mother would do such a thing.

    "Why is that?" I asked him.

   "I am not aware of her motives, my Lord. It is time for the morning meal."

    "Let us go then."

By the time I sat at the table, everyone was already present. Father looked to be in a fairly good mood.

That pleased me because I saw a chance to bring up Ally and the plans I hoped were already set in motion for her.

Mother said a prayer and we began with our porridge.

    "Father..." I began to say.

    "If your words are to be about the rogue son, I have done as you asked. I have sent men to verify her words."

    "Thank you Father." I said, trying my hardest to keep my emotions from spilling into a smile.

    "The men will arrive when the moon is high and if she lies, the rogue dies. Do you want to do the honors of ending her life?"

My hands stilled at the thought of ending my mate's life.

I cleared my throat and looked up to see Father looking at me expectantly, as well Mother, Derrick and Marla.

I kept my face calm when in reality, I felt myself suffocating.
  "Yes Father." I said, my voice sounding as honored as I could make it.

Father's laughter nearly shook the walls. I could not stomach a smile so I took a sip of my porridge instead.

    "That! That is my son!" He exclaimed loudly as he laughed.

I nodded, trying to keep an act up for him.

    "I feared your emotions cloud your mind. A king must always be prepared to do what is necessary to protect his kingdom. You make me proud."

I bowed slightly.

    "Yes Father. Thank you Father."

I stared at my porridge, meaning to feed myself but the desire to eat had already left me.

How could I kill her?

I could not.

I can not.

Moon Goddess, please let her words be true. Please.

    "Zan." Prince Derrick whispered to me.

I turned to him. He did not speak but his eyes told me he worried about me. The same worry was found in the eyes of Marla.

I said nothing and took a deep breath before I continued to eat.

I nearly lost my resolve when I realized it was the same porridge I fed to Ally last night.

I can not kill her. She is my mate.

We have not had enough time together.

I have not protected her.

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