Chapter 13 - Awaken

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    "You Highness, the prince awakens." The royal physician announced.

I slowly opened my eyes. Mother was beside my bed, my hand in hers. She held it tightly.

    "How do you feel son?" She asked me.

I tried to speak but my voice failed me. Instead, I nodded. She smiled at me and held my head close to her chest.

I closed my eyes, feeling safe in her embrace when suddenly memories of that night came rushing back.

I jolted, trying to get to my feet. I had to see my mate and Marla!

Were they alive? Are they hurt?

Mother held me back down softly and firmly. She did not need to, my strength had waned and my eyes were heavy.

    "Rest son. Marla is safe. She had but a bruise and she is recovering nicely." She said to me.

That news soothed me but I still worried about my mate. Her wounds were deathly.

    "The rogue?" I mumbled, my words sounding drowsy.

Mother just rubbed my hair.

    "Rest son. We shall talk abouth that when you wake." She said instead.

She sat by my side and began to sing to me as I drifted off to sleep. 

My dreams were black. I saw nothing, or heard nothing. The time I did see something, I saw my mate.

She stood before me, her tattered white gown stained with blood and her eyes with no emotions. She would not speak and I did not know what to say to her.

She would only look at me and just when it seemed like she would speak, she would disappear..

I stirred awake once more. This time, by my side  was Derrick.

He looked worried and restless. When he noticed my eyes open, he stood up.

    "How do you feel brother?" Prince Derrick asked me.

I began to sit up when Savi rushed to my side to help me.

    "I will live." I said to Derrick.

He smiled half-heartedly.

    "You have no choice." He joked. He laughed while I only smiled.

    "What happened?" I asked him.

He took in a deep breath and sat before he spoke.

    "Father received the news of the return of the soldiers. He desired to share the news with you but he could not find you. A servant told him you had left. He was not pleased."

He paused.

    "He ordered we all leave. When we arrived, the guards were nowhere to be found. We found you, Marla and the rogue unconscious and wounded. That was two nights ago."

    "How is Marla?"

He smiled a little.

    "She is recovering. The physician believes she lost consciousness from shock. She is fine."

I nodded. At least she was fine. I wanted to ask about Ally, but I was unsure of how to do so without giving my feelings away.

I lowered my gaze.

    "You suffered some injuries that would have been minor, but there seems to have been poison on the weapon used on you. It nearly took your life." He said

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