Chapter 11

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    "What did you find, Savi?" I asked him as we both walked down that hallway.

    "My Lord, you Father, King and Alpha, has indeed sent men to oversee the truth behind her words." Savi said to me.

That lightened the burden on my heart. That meant it was only a matter of time before she would be free.

    "When will the men be arriving?" I asked him.

    "By nightfall my Lord."

I nodded. More than before, I was eager to go and see my mate. To see how she fared and to give her the good news. I was certain that my words would lift up her spirits.

Even my presence should do the trick.

    "Do you plan on seeing the rogue, my Lord?" Savi asked when it became apparent in my movements what my destination was.

    "Yes Savi. Imagine how glad she would be when I tell her she is to be free soon." I said to him without turning to see his expression.

    "I understand your excitement, Crown Prince, but I believe it better to wait for the men to be back with the news they would hold before giving her a visit."

I thought about his words and I began to walk slower.

    "You speak wisdom Savi. I shall wait till

I turned and let myself to my chambers instead. I sat on my bed, not sure what to do. It was barely mid-day and I had nothing planned.

Mother had canceled my archery lesson and I had stormed out of my dance lesson.

A knock sounded on my door.

    "See who it is, Savi." I said to him.

He did as I asked before turning to me.

    "My Lord, it is time for your suit fitting." He said.

It wasn't the best activity but it gave me something to do as time went by.

Savi led me to the fitting room where Derrick was already.

    "Leave us alone." Prince Derrick ordered when I walked in.

The tailor and his apprentices walked out immediately.

    "We have to talk." Prince Derrick said to me.

I raised a brow.

    "Concerning what?"

    "The incident in the ballroom. You treated that maid unfairly brother." He said seriously.

    "She overstepped her boundaries. Did you not hear the words she spoke?" I asked.

    "Indeed I did. But I believe your actions were too rash. You broke her hand."

    "For her actions, she deserved to pay with her life."

Derrick walked up to me.

    "I understand she spoke out of order, but I plead with you to treat her and others like her with more compassion."

I looked into his eyes and saw weaknesses in his compassionate words.

    "You are not strong enough to be the Crown Prince and that is why you fail to understand why my actions were necessary and in place."

Derrick smiled.

    "Maybe you speak the truth but any good King is compassionate. A cold hearted king leads his people and himself to ruin." He said.

I said nothing to that.

Derrick ordered his manservant to call the tailor and his apprentices back in.

I did not say a word as they took their measurements and fit me into my breeches and garments.

The garments fit as they always did, but I had no pleasure in their handsome appearance.

Ordinarily, I would have been impatient to show this off to Princess Svannah but now, I could not care less about her existence. I was no longer yearning to be in her presence.

I wanted my mate.

I wanted Ally.

I could only wait impatiently for them to be through with the fittings so I can go and be myself in my chambers, patiently waiting for the moment I can be with Ally.

The night came and until I did, I was not given
a moment to myself. The fitting ended later than expected and we were hastily dressed so as to make it to the ball on time.

I stared at the moon as we rode to our destination. It was a half moon and it was beautiful.

I stared at it, knowing that my Father's men would have arrived before the sun replaced it.
It gave me something to look forward to, some hope to keep my face light through the night.

The crier announced our presence to the courtroom before my family walked down the staircase.

Derrick walked past me without Marla's hand in his as per usual, but I could not give him a moment's thought.

Marla had stayed home because an illness had taken over her so Derrick was alone for the night.

In the past, that would have pleased me but now, I only worried about my mate. Ally.

I thought she would love to attend balls and parties like this one. She would spend the night dancing and drinking with me.

And no other man would be allowed to have her, even for a moment.

    "My Lord." Princess Svannah said with a dainty bow.

She stood before me and I forced a smile on my face before returning her bow.

    "Princess Svannah." I said, kissing her hand lightly.

She looked confused at my words.

    "Am I in the wrong, my Lord?" She asked as we began walking.

    "What do you ask my Lady?"

Her brows came together as they always did when she was finding it difficult to understand anything.

    "You sound formal today, my Lord. Are you troubled?" She asked.

I smiled a little.

    "Indeed I am." I said.

    "Oh how unfortunate my Lord. Is there anything I can do to put your mind at ease?"
She asked, a worried look on her face.

I looked at her and shook my head softly.

    "I am afraid this issue is beyond you, my Lady."

She said nothing for some moments.

    "I believe a dance will take your mind off what bothers you. Shall we dance?" She asked with a lovely smile on her lips.

    "I am afraid I have to decline your offer, my Lady. Do have a splendid night."

I bowed slightly before her before I walked away from her and out of the ballroom to the courtyard.

I took on a deep breath and relaxed my shoulders. I paced about.

It shall not be long before the end shall return. Then I can be reunited with my mate.

Only if her words are true.

Of course they are true. She would not lie.

She did not have a reason to lie. Did she?
I looked up to the moon as if it were the Moon Goddess for answers. It shone a bit brighter.

I smiled to myself.

Of course she was innocent.

I turned around to see a messenger from the castle arrive in the yard.
I stopped him.

    "What news do you carry?" I asked him.

He climbed off the horse and bowed.

    "My Lord, the messengers have returned. I have to inform the King." He said.

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